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Everything posted by canecutter

  1. Where at the lakes area? or what duck lease in devers really? where at cuz i live right by devers..and i never see any pintails or ringnecks around here i hunt in nome and i dont see those kinda ducks in here that early if at all!! you know were that gas station 2 j's is, take that left just pass it, and its down one of them roads, i cant believe you aint never seen any ringers b4, two years ago we kill over 200 birds on that lease, and probably 80% of them birds were ringneck, this is the first year that we have seen so many pins,
  2. Where at the lakes area? or what duck lease in devers
  3. got 5 gadwalls, 2 pintails, 3 teal, 4 ringnecks, and 2 spoonbills open weekend
  4. whats even more sad is the, number of people in the crowd that leaves after the halftime show on the friday nights that the bears do play
  5. rules must not b that strict, cause moody been geting bashed all on this post, and it aint right
  6. When you hit the big time, open up and tell us where and when. We'll judge you as you are judging Moody. When I get my HC job I am sure I will take plenty of criticism, but it won't be because I canceled a game for no apparent reason. there was a reason for the game to be canceled, if there wasnt, they still would be playing
  7. well if he didnt agree,the wos should get the win, and lcm should get the lost
  8. How do you know that Hooks agreed, have you talked to him or someone on the coaching staff yourself? Or have you just heard that he agreed? well if he didnt agreed, it would be a forfeit, and wos would get the win, but that hasnt happen has it?
  9. no i dont agree with the game been'n canceled, i just dont think it is fair to be dog'n moody out so bad, when him and hooks both agreed to cancel the game
  10. thanks for that post, its to bad everyone else is to retared to understand that it was both hooks and moddy that didnt want to play...like u said if it would have just been moddy backing out, it would be a forfeit and wos would get the win
  11. so wos didnt prepare for the dayton scrimmage???
  12. My Point is he has unhappy players that do work hard, do as they are asked in the off season, and do get told they will start. He then doesn't follow through with what he says and starts a sophomore over some of this guys that were told they would start. What kind of example is this to players. I wish the team well and they will win some games. who is telln u all of this stuff??? The kids that r starting of right know r the ones that should b, no questions ask, they r the ones who r workn the hardest and r the ones that r the best for the job
  13. silsbee 1st o didn score in the controlled part, they fumble it around the 10, lcm recovered it
  14. sure is quit on north 87?..lol whats that mean?
  15. 4500 passing yards in one season for a high school qb, come on now, quit dreaming
  16. not right 4 a couple of thugs to embaress such a good football team
  17. They lost there qb last year both runing back, and full, a lineman r 2, both startin WR, and there wing back, all lcm has coming back offense is like four startin linemen.. and 2 return on defence that started a linebacker and a corner back, which probably play rover this year
  18. Anyone know how the bears spring football game go, and how did they look?
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