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Posts posted by txstar

  1. Fellas, WB will get to the level that the mentioned teams are at.  When Stump interviewed with Caveness, he agreed that he would schedule people like West Field, Katy, Tyler and people who typically make a run for the championship.  Stump currently has scheduled all those types of teams in preseason and will be able to compete and eventually win games against NS.  Right now, he has greatly increased his numbers and has two freshman teams, a sophomore and JV...That was how WB was so successful in the late 80s and early 90s.  They will be at that level, but it will take time.  I'm anxious to see them play against NS and during the playoffs.  I think they have some guys hurt on Defense, but will have to make up for it.  Have a great weekend.

  2. A little humor for ya'll.  Back in 2001, we were hunting our lease on 1985.  We were sitting in the grass on the levees.  My buddy had a one year old black lab, who had good potential.  The dog was bolting into the water when he heard the safeties go off on the shotguns, and he flushed the ducks away.  My buddy decided to chain him to the bucket he was sitting on.  A group of teal flew in and the dog bolted, tightening the chain, pulling the bucket from under my friend.  The bucket, attached to the chain attached to the lab went into the water...all the contents in the bucket went into the water.  My freind went into the water on his back, filled his waders up, dunked his shotgun, lost his shells, calls, binos, his cap, etc.  We expected him to shoot the lab, but his gun was submerged, he was wet and cold and then he let out a barage of expletives.  The six of us laughed the hardest we have ever laughed to the point of crying!  Have some fun out there.

  3. Use a rifle you feel confident with.  I hunt South Texas and use a .300 Win Mag.  I believe anything

    25-06 or larger can get the job done.  Need to consider size of deer you hunt.  South Texas deer are usually over 175 lbs. up over 200 lbs. in many cases.  I think a .270 is a really good choice.  I believe in spending more on a scope than the gun.  Plus, you have to take the time to see what grain and brand of round best suits you rifle.

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