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Posts posted by txstar

  1. That young man got what he had coming.  When a law enforcement officer gives you a directive, you should do as you are told...when a teacher, coach, principal tells  you to do something, you should do as you are told.  The cafeteria is a really bad place to get into a fight...there are alot of innocent people who can get hurt and it will disrupt the entire student body for the remainder of the day if not longer.  The issue is bigger than the fight...what kind of society do we have when we have to have law enforcement in our schools.  This young man faces alot worse than getting tased...he will be suspended, probably expelled and placed into a Alternative school, not to mention the ramifications from his coach for him CHOOSING TO FIGHT AT SCHOOL.  Now the assistant principal, principal, assistant superintendent and probably the superintendent are all going to be tied to dealing with this one situation for days...and TAKS is next week.  Not a good situation!

  2. I agree with the two previous posts.  It is the coaches decision, but I believe he needs to go through spring, establish himself with the kids, evaluate where the program is and install his new offense, defense and special teams.  Another point made was the difference in the heat in spring and late summer.  If they stay aclamated to the heat in the summer, they should be okay.  I always thought spring ball was a blast.

  3. Folks, this is bad for business.  Private schools make their living recruiting for athletic purposes, period.  I have thought long and hard as to how you could get private schools to adhere to UIL rules, and I have no answer.  I think this is a bad move. I believe that NDN spoke to scholarships, and I agree with his statement.  Public schools cannot give scholarships.  This will prove to be a mess.  I could write for hours on this but will not bore ya'll.

  4. LU's big plan of the future is to go to D1, which will require them to have a minimum of 33,000 seats.  They are kind of land locked, but I think there is room if proper planning is followed.  I agree, stadium renovations will be expensive and to make seating capacity at a minimum of 33k will take some vision.  They will do a good job, Dr. Simmons is all in.  There is no sense in trying to cut corners and do it the same old way.  I'm glad the idiots who were responsible for the collapse of the program are gone.  Football is expensive and the people responsible realize that they cannot cut corners.  I expect big things from LU in the future.  Bottomline, FOOTBALL is the pinnacle sport in Texas, Period!  Let's do it right.

  5. Some of the coaches, who have science degrees, are going to the refineries as operators and lab techs.  It is sad to lose good educators, but until the State of Texas chooses to pay them what professionals should be payed, I believe this trend will continue.  In spite of the national situation, there are plenty of jobs in SE Tx. and we are losing good people every semester.

  6. Attention all former LU Football players...the LU Football Alumni Group is up and running, following a December 27 meeting.  We need all former players to get on the contact list, get signed up and get on board to help the new program. We had approximately 60 former players at the gathering (mostly from the mid to late 80's, but we need alums from all decades.  For information call 409/504-5400.  Our next gathering is going to be in May (golf and crawfish) Give us a call!  Thank you

  7. Bearbryant, I still agree with you and yes, I am probably way to into the trophy rack...but I will tell you this, I am into meat hunting because everytime a hurricane hits-that is all I have to eat...Ya'll have a great weekend...I hope to see the big boys running does starting this weekend, and if I see that deer I passed on I think he might now be old enough to harvest...

  8. All I'm saying is that if East Texas hunters continue to kill 2.5 year old deer that they will never see the potential.  The minimum rack rule is a joke.  Hunters must be able to age deer on the hoof, period and let young deer walk and grow.  You cannot argue with that!  I let a 150"+ deer walk last weekend because I think he is only 4.5 and he will only get bigger for next year.  Sure it was hard to do and I am kicking myself, but it was the right decision.

  9. Attention all Former LU Football Players, in an attempt to help Head Football Coach Ray Woodard get off to a great start, we are forming a LU Football Players Alumni Group.  At this point, we are in the process of obtaining all former LU Football Players contact information so we can communicate with one another.  Please log onto

    This is the hidden content, please
    and add you name and contact information.  The list is currently at about 60 players and is growing daily.  Most of the players are from '85-'89, and we really need to get in touch with the fellas from all the graduating classes.  Therefore, spread the word.  Dr. Rodney Cavness and Mike Andrie met with Coach Tubbs and Coach Woodard on the 11th of December and the meeting was really productive.  Get you contact info on the site and we will get you information about a spring Golf Game and Crawfish Boil, and Kick-off meeting.  Take care and have a great Christmas.

  10. Bear Bryant, I agree with you...this business of putting a minimum spread requirement on deer is totally counterproductive.  First, if you must take a deer over 13", then it prohibits you from taking extremely narrow mature deer and they will breed and you'll get more and more narrow deer.  I could go on and on about this.  Bottomline, East Texas hunters will have to be management conscious if they want to consistently harvest mature deer.  I read an article the other day and I believe they estimate that 90% of deer killed in East Texas are 2.5 years old.  Putting a minimum rule on deer is an absolute joke and was probably pushed through by someone who has no clue about deer and deer hunting.  In South Texas we harvest deer that are 5.5 years old minimum and preferrably 6.5, but we manage by taking 4.5 year old deer that will not contribute to the herd.  Who will enforce this bogus rule.  I think it will be looked upon in years to come and seen as a huge disaster.

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