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Everything posted by DEM BOYZ

  1. Why would I actually fight a kid. The context is fight/argue/try to get the rules followed. Fight the fact that the rules aren't being followed. Not fight someone. Really?
  2. Rules are rules and their for a reason. Saying 9-10 yr old football does nothing to change that fact.
  3. We haven't been beat so it's hard to cry about getting beat when you haven't. It doesn't matter what other people know or might be happening. We are talking about thiskid because it is known. I will fight any kid playing where he's not supposed to. What's the names of the other kids. This is the only kid that I know about. ****the word "fight" in this paragraph does not mean to actually fight someone but to argue the injustice.
  4. No assuming about it smart guy or girl. Why did the other kids get waivers and this kid didnt? Just like the "beating someone by more than 40" thing. That's not in the rules but STJFL holds people accountable all the time for it and it's just known. If I swap my backs at 28 and the other team still doesn't stop me then why can't I beat them 90-0? STJFL likes to use the term "in the spirit of the rule" with this. It's definitely the "spirit of the rule" for sure to have a kid play for the school he's going to attend while playing that season. But hey if you have to bend the rules to win and feel tough. Go get'em big guy. Lol
  5. It's known that it's for the upcoming season. Always has been. And again PA wants to know why everyone accuses them of bending the rules. Just like in school ball, if you went to PA last year but move to Nederland you don't get to play with PA for that season. Get real.
  6. Yes, Since asking my question 2 days ago I talked with my president who is on the ethics committee and he verified that the kid does not have a waiver. I have since posted that in this thread. The kid has NO WAIVER.
  7. You may want to re-evaluate your facts. THE KID DOES NOT HAVE A WAIVER. That is a fact.
  8. Perfect! Couldn't have said it better. Rules are Rules, BIG or small. Breaking the rules are the problem that takes away from the kids.
  9. Nope just about not following rules. You're missing the point. I'm sure if you take that kid off the team PA Red wouldn't lose a step. Not about that.
  10. Lol funny guy. Also Poppa has played football in Nederland since he was 5.
  11. Ok so he should have gotten a waiver and this would be a non issue. Rules would have been followed at that point.
  12. He DOES NOT have a waiver. I verified with NYFA president who is also on the ethics committee. I was told he was the only one who thinks it's a big deal. The rest just want to sweep it under the rug.
  13. Yes! The BC deal is another case where STJFL didn't do what they should have. The inconsistency is where I think the BS is. If a rule is broke there should be a penalty to deter future breaking of the rules. Yes, one kid doesn't make the team. But now STJFL is basically saying play where you want we don't care.
  14. I'm the head coach of the Nederland Jr Black team. Not trying to hide from anyone. I do think it's funny that you keep avoiding the question. So I'll take that as he does go to a different school.
  15. I've heard everything except whether Cardinals accusations are true. Does the coaches kid go to a school in a different town without a waiver?
  16. With all that being said is what Cardinal said true? Does your kid go to a school outside of PA and playing in PA without a waiver?
  17. I haven't watched many PW games but from what I hear, yeah.
  18. No he's been in Nederland every since I've been here, since 2014.
  19. PNG-G vs BC Red BC White vs Lumberton Blue OF White vs Lumberton Red Vidor G vs Nederland Black OF orange vs PA Black Nederland white vs Vidor black EBT vs HF PA Red vs WBBG PNG P vs WBBB Jasper vs LCM EC vs WOS
  20. They only allowed Nederland to take the non conference games.
  21. Good luck to everyone that still gets to play this weekend despite PNGYFA. Of course PA doesn't need it, but good luck to y'all too.
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