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Everything posted by Oilers42

  1. yes i read your post. and i stick by what i said. as far a picking goes. newton, wos , or kirbyville will have a good chance to go to state.
  2. I already called you out. you come to a setx site and support stephenville. why don't you support the town were you grew up in?
  3. Ramsey was waaaaay better than brooks. Brooks is very overrated on this board. Im not taking anything away from him, i mean he is a good player, but he is no where near the best qb around here. his stats mean nothing. tarkington passes about 70% of the time , so of course he is going to rack up the numbers. is every hawaii and texas tech qb the best qb in the nation? NO!. Brooks could probably play d-3. No way he goes 1a.
  4. why do you hate on everyone around here. youre from stephenville. thats no where near SETX. I mean i could change my name to SLCfan and have a SLC avatar , and claim everyone around here sucks too, but i dont want to. All you do is hate and your not even from here. people that arent from SETX need to have meaningful post, or find a board for their area of the state.
  5. wow good rebuttle. you better hope that WH and Liberty never play, it'll save you the embarassment. oh, and what's up with the numbers?
  6. We work a whole lot harder in WH than yall do in Liberty, and I'm sure that HD and hardin do too. I used to go to Liberty and i can say from first hand exp. that WH has better talent and plays harder. Need me to comprehend any further?
  7. WH could easily beat liberty in any sport. i think we did beat liberty not once, but twice in basketball this year. so until you beat us in something, don't talk trash. I'm just as sure HD could beat liberty and so could hardin
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