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Everything posted by TCHawks

  1. I'll answer for him. in groves when they got "to much rain" they stepped up and moved it (Mustange Tournament) to orange. But when Orange got to much rain they want to wait and wait.makes you go Hmmmmmm! last i was told Vidor offered their field to play on so why not.. last i herd was that the director was checking with the orange coaches to see how the field was and i guess they said it was to bad to play on....you see if they wanted to play then they would off moved it to vidor so yes it makes you go Hmmmmmmm?
  2. just found this site. looking back at other post, i find it funny that when a coach (tgreen) wins he will post it, but when they dont you dont here anything. so let me if i may vidor 17 orange A 9. great game good defense and good hitting and should i say GREAT base running. good luck to the tc and orange A team. to bad we could not play tonight make you wounder. last i checked sour lake and vidor's tournament is still on and when groves field was not in playing shape they moved it to orange. so why cant we move the shetland games.....hmmmm
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