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Posts posted by JCfan

  1. Well regardless, we now must move forward. However, I do not like it when people employed by tax dollars and put in positions by voters think that they don't have to give  any explanation to the tax payers and voters. I am not saying Morgan is right or wrong. I am just saying that I think the people deserve explanation as to what has happened and why. I may be wrong, but they hired Bickham and everyone knew he had some sketchy history and now they make a good hire, but can't keep him. If Morgan leaving is his on fault, fine. If he is leaving due to unkept promises or administrative power moves, that is not fine. There has to be some accountabilty or people in power become dictators.
  2. Sure would be nice to know what "the vision changing" meant. It had to be with the administration. People deserve some answers from the administration and the board and nobody wants to talk. The board may not want to give answers now, but if they don't they may answer when their seat comes up again. Something has got to give for the sake of the kids and there should be some explanations given to the people of the Jasper school district. I am not saying who is right and wrong, just saying there should be some information given to the people of the community that are concerned and have questions. Do they not answer to the people who voted for them and whom they vowed to work for and with in the district? 
  3. Well, he was an AD/Head football and being AD doesn't mean you will be at every varsity sport game. I am not taking up for him, just saying I know a lot of AD's that do just as he did. They cant be everywhere all the time. As for trying to kill the kids by working them to death, all the kids I know liked him and played for him. I am not particularly pleased with the way he has handled this, but I do not know all the reasons, so I will reserve judgment on that. Overall, he did improve things in many ways and bring in some good coaches. 
  4. Well, seems like we are all going to get the old silent treatment now. Nobody can say anything. They could say " we are working on it", or " he is set on leaving", or something to let the people and kids know where the process lies. All we know is the school board is meeting again Monday or Tuesday. They have to know something and honestly I feel the kids and the community have the right to know whatever there is to know. JMHO
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