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Posts posted by justryansmom

  1. Guess them sharks got bit by the proverbial crooked umpires that they have been plagued with all season long... must be a conspiracy... they followed you all to the playoffs.   No seriously... sorry you took a defeat.

    :D :D :D ;D ;D

    I know those umps cheated those poor Sharks every game we played 'em. Well, good job Sharks..you made it all the way to the playoffs even WITH cheatin' officials.

  2. I just looked this up for y'all. If you go on the Enterprise's website, on the left, you will see a link for "contact staff", I found this on that link. There are email links for each person as well. If enough of you email and/or call, you could probably make a difference.


    Sports e-mail

    Michael Peters, sports editor

    (409) 838-2806

    Rush Wood,assistant sports editor

    (409) 880-0745

    Christopher Dabe

    (409) 880-0746

    Perryn Keys

    (409) 880-0742

    Johnnie Walters

    (409) 880-0744

    Robert Sloan, outdoors editor

    (409) 880-0743

  3. We have the same problem trying to get the Galveston Daily News to print ANYTHING about High Island (we are in Galveston County). The coach called and I (a parent) sent many, many letters to the editors. I finally got as response from the Sports Editor this morning asking me for the coach's number so that he can call and do a story on our boys. Persistence pays off!!  :D

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