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Posts posted by justryansmom

  1. [quote name="HI_#20_Mom" post="687751" timestamp="1256666593"]
    So sorry to hear that Chester, but I know your Coach's and you community are looking out for number one, you, the kids. Wish we could "sub" some of our players out to you.

    Maybe we will see some of you at the game on Saturday?

    Ryans Mom, guess I am never going to beat you to a post!


    LOL...Difference is you work and I wish I did...I keep checking the boards to make sure no one is trash talking our boys.  ;D 
  2. [quote name="BIGMO44" post="687709" timestamp="1256664877"]
    Really hate it for the Chester kids and their program.  Franklin has done a good job of getting the kids out, [b]there just isn't enough of em in the halls[/b].  If I remember right, the year before Franklin took over in Chester they ended the season with 11 kids.

    Hang in there Yellow Jackets...hope your injuries heal soon.

    Breaks my heart for all of the Chester community. I know how much High Island loves Friday night lights. I've talked with a few of the Chester players and they are all pretty much "bummed." Chester ISD was wonderful to HI after Hurricane Ike and I wish there was something I could do for them. Keep 'em all in your prayers.
  3. [quote name="Chester#88" post="687133" timestamp="1256601800"]
    Thank you everyone for keeping you in my prayers. I just want to let Leli know it was nowhere close to being his fault. It was just a freak accident. Luckily there was no broken bones just torn ligaments, torn muscle from the bone, and severe dislocation that went through the skin. I have a ten week. I have a big goal in front of me and thats to be back for baseball. I am happy and it makes this alot easier on me seeing all the people praying and supporting me.

    Well i hope to see High Island on the diamond this year.
    Chester # 88
    Senior 2010

    Jacob, you are an incredibly positive young man. I knew this already but now everyone on here does.  :) We WILL see you on the diamond!!
  4. [quote name="Rebel Yeller" post="686712" timestamp="1256582256"]
    [quote author=justryansmom link=topic=61359.msg686589#msg686589 date=1256573591]
    [quote author=Chester86 link=topic=61359.msg686534#msg686534 date=1256571123]
    I love my 'Jackets, but they will be limping into this game.  The injury bug hit hard, and the kids will be struggling.  I look for Evilsmell, oops, sorry Evadale (I can't spell) to take this big.  Hang in there Chester, and hope those kids are doing better.

    The young man that was lifeflighted is down for a while. His mom just informed me that Chester has just canceled the rest of their season.  :'(

    Just checked while cancellation is an option it is not decided yet. I hate games like this for the school that is down this same thing happened a couple of years ago when these two played and Chester had to finish that one with only 10 players.

    I wish the Lackets well and hope this does not hurt other sports that are upcoming.   

    When High Island and Chester played??? Wow, I know I have killed some brain cells in my years  ::) but I do not remember that at all. That does NOT mean it didn't happen though!
  5. [quote name="Chester86" post="686534" timestamp="1256571123"]
    I love my 'Jackets, but they will be limping into this game.  The injury bug hit hard, and the kids will be struggling.  I look for Evilsmell, oops, sorry Evadale (I can't spell) to take this big.  Hang in there Chester, and hope those kids are doing better.

    The young man that was lifeflighted is down for a while. His mom just informed me that Chester has just canceled the rest of their season.  :'(
  6. I was just informed by Jacob's mom: Just found out the rest of our Football season is cancelled we had alot of injurys this past friday night..Jacob Barnes with his ankle dislocation..Dalton Woodrome with a broken leg and Tanner Neal with head injury..Jacob Lowery with bones broke in his foot...and Weston Morgan with his neck and head hurting real bad..We had bad luck poured on us in buckets friday night..

    Please keep these boys in your prayers AND also the entire Chester community!!
  7. I just received this email from Coach Franklin (Chester):
    Ms. Harrison he has been released from hospital and is at the house in Chester. The doctors were able to set his foot and he will go back to hospital next week to get his ankle in a cast and do whatever else needs to be done. That is all we know at this time. I would like to personally thank you and your fans for all your support on Friday night. We not only lost Jacob Barnes but we lost Dalton Woodrome to a broken leg, Jacob Lowery to a broken foot in three places and two other players with a concussion.  This has been a rather rough weekend to say the least. Once again I truly thank you for everyone's support.  Thanks Coach Franklin

    I was at the game and I knew that there was one other injury. I had no idea there were so many. Let's keep the ENTIRE Chester community in our thoughts and prayers, especially these injured players and their families. Wow... :'(
  8. Still haven't been able to find out much. In talking with some fellow High Island people, I have heard that his foot was barely hanging on and that is why he was life flighted. He had emergency surgery last night and will be immobolized for at least 6 months. This is just what I have been told. I would love for anyone that knows for sure to give us any updates. I am praying for him to have a speedy recovery and for his family as well.
  9. [quote name="H.I._Cardinals" post="684996" timestamp="1256398662"]
    What did the HI fans think of the guys doing the HAKA war dance?  Leli taught the guys and they have really taking a liking to it.

    Funny you should ask! I was on you tube looking up Leli's cousin doing the HAKA war dance! Anybody from HI have video of our boys doing it? Please post it if you do. I hope that the Cardinals will continue to pass it on to the newcomers every year. What a way to pump them up!!!
  10. What a game it was!! Leli Lupeheke was on fire and scored all 4 touchdowns. We were all so proud of him and the entire Cardinal team. Chester certainly gave our boys a run for their money. The night was both very exciting and very emotional. I'm praying, along with many people from HI, for the two boys from Chester that were injured. When the boys from both sidelines joined in the middle of the field to join arms and pray while the first young man was put on a stretcher, I have to admit I shed a few tears.  :'(  It spoke volumes for the teams in our district. Trash talking before and after a game and fighting it out on the field is one thing, but when it comes down to it...NO ONE wants to see a player hurt. We're wishing both of them a speedy recovery.

    GREAT JOB CARDINALS!!! And thank you Chester for making it an exciting game from start to finish - y'all played an awesome game!!!

    By the way, does anybody know the names of the 2 injured players?
  11. I would love to see the Rebels end this season with a perfect record!! That would be an awesome feat! And even better would be for them to advance in the playoffs and respresent OUR district so that we could show SOME people that 23A is not the weakest district in the state.  ::) Good luck Rebels!!!

    [color=maroon][size=16pt][size=14pt][size=12pt][font=Tahoma]Go Cardinals![/font][/size][/size][/size][/color]
  12. Hey. I've got an idea. Let's get back to the subject of this thread!!  ;D I cannot wait to see the Cardinals play tonight in their homecoming game!!! With all due respect to the Yellow Jackets, I have to go with the Cards. It is their homecoming and they are pumped!! As always though, the boys at HI will keep us all on the edge edge of our seats until the last second of the game!!

    [color=maroon][size=16pt][font=Tahoma]LET'S GO CARDINALS!!!![/font][/size][/color]
  13. yes evadale is one of the most overrated tems in 1a they may be undefeated they havent played anyone yet and burkeville could have beaten them but they had to play them in the rain

    How are they overrated?  Are you blaming the Rebels fan?  Come on.....we're parents and friends who support our kids because we're really proud of how hard they've worked and how much it is paying off for them.  If you are blaming us for being good fans to our kids.  We appreciate the endictment. We play in the district we are assigned.

    Can't do anything about it being the weakest district in the state as some have said.  Which sounds like a pretty bad assessment of their own teams.   Evadale had to play in the same rain Burkeville did.  We played with the same refs as High Island.  Yet they have week in and week out beat every team they have come up against.  7 and 0,  when was the last time your team was there?  Been a while hasn't it.   Keep up the good work boys.

    Other than the little ref jab at HI  ;)(I have already said something to that in another post though), I agree. Evadale is (obviously) a well coached, well trained football team. Now that the HI game is done, I think it would be awesome for Evadale to go completely undefeated. As far as the weakest district in the state, I am so sick of hearing that. Especially from fans/players that are in 23A!! Even if there was an ounce of truth to that, who cares! Evadale already has proven for the last 7 weeks that they are the strongest team in this district. Keep up the good work Rebels!! You deserve nothing but praise! Having said that though, I have to say:


  14. i agree with big hi fan, twice, we scored atouchdown that the refs called no good. this shouldhave been anyones game bit we got the short stick. i stood right there and watched 34 get inside the end zone by 8inches and the refs said no good. not to mention the offensive pass interference in the end zone. but there isn't anthing we can do now. best of luck rebels ya'll played great fundamental football, that will carry u far. and cardinals,  we are still inthis, webeat chester,colmesneil by 2 td's and then sabine pass and we're in the playoffs. and if we can shutout evadale for 3 quarters, who's to say we cant do the same or better the next 3 weeks

    This is what I want to hear!!! At least the last part of it!! You ARE still in this Cardinals! Boys, though we shouldn't live in the past, look at what you overcame last year. You will never know how proud your community (make that the whole peninsula) was and still is! Win or lose, that pride will never go away. However, we all believe in you and know what you CAN do. Don't think - for one second - that you are done. I can't wait for Friday night! A high of 66...perfect football weather and homecoming! :-)


  15. evadale played a good game there best players were the ones in stripes

    I am one of your biggest fans Cardinals and I've spent alot of time on these posts defending all of you til the end. I so much want for the Cardinals to have a bit of respect. I think we were almost there and then this post. You know that Evadale has played extremely well this year...undefeated. YOU should hold your head up and be very proud that y'all held them to 15 points throughout the second half of the game. Many people were predicting that the Rebels were going to stomp all over High Island. The Rebel fans have shown the Cardinals some respect and it definitely should be the other way around as well. Evadale won the game. That is done. Next week, we have homecoming and Chester. Let's get ready for that one and not look back and try and place the blame anywhere on the loss. I am proud of what all of you bring to the field. I am, and always will be, a VERY proud Cardinal fan. But, these kind of comments are embarrassing to all of you and all of us fans! Keep on showing the rest of the district that you deserve respect!!


  16. i think # 20 leli lupeheke from high island has had a really good year

    I was going to ask if I could do a "write in" with Leli.  :) But, as its been stated a couple of times...this is a "fun" poll. I have seen several posts in different forums regarding Leli and I am sure you (and I) are not the only ones thinking he is having a fantastic year!

  17. TheCardinalFan has such a voice of reason. :-) We sure are going to miss you...wait, we already do!  :'(

    I try not to engage in the trash talking, but the pride I have in the Cardinals sometimes overtakes my reasonable thinking. I can't stand it when they are shown so little respect. These boys are still overcoming so much from last year; yet, they are out there every Friday night putting their hearts and souls into the game. Win or lose - this game or ANY game - I am just so proud of them - every single one of them.

    HI Cards, go out there tonight and, once again, give it your all. That's all we - parents, coaches, friends and your community - expect from you. We are all so proud of all of you - no matter what the outcome of the game.

    Having said that...


  18. So I guess that the Cards weren't real competition for your guys (12 pt difference), or for West Hardin (8 pt difference).  And when you look at it, High Island beat themeselves in both games (turnovers).  People are really underestimating High Island.  That's fine, better for the Cards to be overlooked and not worried about, because they have surprised alot of people this year, and will surprise a few more.

    The Cardinals are always underestimated! And you are so right. Let all of them come out to play and not worry about High Island or think they are no competition. The Cardinals will continue to surprise people and maybe, just maybe, earn a little respect from these posters!!!


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