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Status Updates posted by CardinalBacker

  1. I guess you can’t remember back when I was mikelbene, either. 

    You’re not even close, Mikey. 

  2. So let me get this straight... it's really "white" of you to tell me what words you can and can't use, but you can tell other people what they can and can't say?

    Like I said...You don't have a problem with the word, you have a problem with white people.  


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Yeoj


      You are trying to tell me what I should and should not be offended by. Just stop! You are so full of shit its ridiculous. Fact is black people have turned something white people used for hate, racism, and demeaning and turned it into something positive between black people. So now you have a problem with it. Smdh... What's moronic is your insistence on being able to police the word. Again that's mighty white of you.

    3. Yeoj


      Hey do me a favor and watch this video and see if it helps you understand better than I can explain it to you:



    4. CardinalBacker


      It’s okay if you want to use the word... but stop pretending to be offended when somebody else uses it. 

      If you and your friends use the word, or your favorite artist uses it...: that’s awesome! Good for you! But your the fool if your somehow offended when somebody else uses it. Your problem obviously isn’t with the word... it’s with other races. 

      There is no disputing that... it’s a fact. 

  3. "

    The question is, was one of those STAR players hurt in an unnecessary drill?

    Was this STAR football player also a STAR baseball player?

    Did both of DuBois kids graduate?

    Was there a POWER struggle between football and baseball? Because if there was, then Baseball was always going to win that battle in BC."


    The kid that got hurt didn't play baseball.  Dubois's younger son will graduate in May.  The older kid only attended BC during his senior year.


    Here's the rub, and I'd rather not put the kid that got hurt on blast.  He's a really, REALLY talented kid that has a lot of problems... The kid somehow managed to fail the 8th grade or he would have graduated with my son in 2017. He participated in two events in the state relays as a sophomore.  He was out on bail for a DWI that he got while driving the $50k pickup his folks got for him when he failed out and was unable to return to the state track meet in 2017 as a junior.  I'm drawing a picture of a kid that is really funny, supremely talented, spoiled, and totally unmotivated.... 

    I wasn't at practice the day he was hurt... but i have a good friend that was there.  I'm just relaying the information as it was given to me at this point.  This kid was apparently out-of-line (which was a common occurrence with him) so Dubois punished him by sending him over to practice with the JV squad.  He was practicing with the JV squad, not the varsity when he got his leg broken.  The story goes that Dubois sent him over there, then the teams got back together and some kid had gotten the best of the star kid... so the star kid went back over to the JV area to go at it again (we're talking coverage, not a fight) and it was during this time that he was injured. Nobody is even sure if Dubois knew where this kid was when the accident happened.  That ends the part of the story that I'm not certain about.

    I talked with the kid's dad at the football game that Friday, and he specifically told me that the accident shouldn't have ever happened because the kid should never have been over there to get hurt in the first place.  The Dad told me that the coach had ruined his son's career by punishing him, basically. The belief was fairly widely held around here.  

    I personally think that WOS's old baseball coach coming to BC and our old baseball coach wanting to move into administration have a lot to do with the changes.  

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