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Posts posted by BelichikYoSelf

  1. LEU.. I thought your first comment was dumb, then you just went stupid... There is more than 3 starting 10 yr olds on that team.. 

    Only three that matter.  Egos got ya ll eating crow last year and will do the same this year.  I didn't say there were only three.  Re read and try again smart guy.  

  2. Nederland Jrs. would put a whippin on Nederland Sr   Trust me Bugger and pride.  If the big three would have stayed in Jr. It would not have been a cake walk to the bowl game.  Mix them three in with the Jr BMT boys and Nederland still Dominates. 


    Now Maybe it makes a little more sense to you pride.

  3. Its obvious you DONT care about the Super Bowl Bugger.  None of your comments are about the almighty second place team of old.  And if your yunngins would have stayed in Jr.  They would have high probability of getting their tails whipped by the other mid county crew in Nederland this year.  Poor fella, You just havn't experienced True Domination Yet.  And yes the Nederland Teams are full of young 9 year old talent.  Pretty sure you guys Knew what was coming up so you decided to run with the we are young in senior excuse.  Would love to see Nederlan Black Jr OR Nederland White Jr team scrimmage BMT senior.  

  4. Not a BMT hater.  Love the kids and enjoy watching them whip some butt.  However, the flappin BMT fans try to juice up the results a little too much for my taste.  Its easy for a real team to lay a smack down on the weaker ones.  Whats hard is to play up to your potential in the big games against the real competition and poor ole BMT just hasn't been able to live up to hype of their flappin fans.  Maybe this is the year.  Just hasnt been proven.  BTW loopy I saw the results of your last predictions.  I may take you up on any bet you want.  You can even set the odds.  I'm sure you will give me PN + 18.  Sound fair?

  5. Yea but all the BMT talk about whoopin PN sounds all to familiar.  In case you forgot go back to last year re read how awesome last years second place team was.  And how PN didn't have a shot at staying with them and how BMT was going to shut them out.  Then, in case you forgot it all, go back and see the results of each game they played.  Take notes on this next part.  BMT WILL NOT SHUT OUT PN. They are not WOS.   

  6. :rolleyes:   On Top?  Winning A game week one puts nobody on top.  PN lost 1 game in 3 or 4 years.  BMT boys lost three times that amount last year alone.  Make no mistake about it, until BMT puts a nail in PN they will always be just second best.  I watched the so called whoopin on PN and believe me, BMT is not WOS.  If I remember right BMT boys lost by 18 to PN in the big one last season.  Enjoy the flappin Jag, it may be short lived.  

  7. Dude, I can call you a dude right? ;) You need to come up with your own Flappin and quit tagging off mine. Do you even know how to use a dictionary? When I think of the name Beaumont Pride the first thing that comes to mind is School District. ;) Not to much Pride there.....

    Woooowwwzers. Zing. :rolleyes:

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