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Posts posted by GATA!

  1. Help help help........please please help me out of this woodshed!!!!.......all I can say is we can take this game and learn from it........congrats to tatum on the win, and also seen some good sportsmanship from the green eagles, y'all have a squad!..........eagleborn I got to meet your buddy's "eagle8 and dirtybird ".......cool guys.......".....bring on bridge city for next week!
  2. Kville didn't school anyone Newton didn't play that SCRIMMAGE like a real game like Kville did. Newton stayed in same formation all night working on some things. Elam didn't even play in the live half and Newton's best back didn't even play Calum Foster. If that would of been a real game it would of been a different outcome. Newton would of broke out different things and not to mention Newton had 5 INTs against kville in that scrimmage so I wouldn't say the cats dominated anyone. A couple of those picks Newton had would of been pick 6s to

    .........I wasent going to bring up the int's, but since you did yea prolly 3 were pic 6's......but hey it's a scrimmage
  3. You were misinformed on the series part Newton scored 1 time maybe twice there. Anahuac didn't really do a lot on offense moving the ball they crossed midfield 1 time during the half they played and that was during the last two minutes when newton had a bad punt and Anahuac started just over midfield. There score came on a bad toss by newtons sophomore backup qb and the panthers took it to the house. I do like the new coach at anahuac if they will leave him alone could possibly do some things there. All in all newton looked a little better than last week and actually ran some more plays than they did last week. Newton will be fine come district play and will be rolling come playoff time

    ........I agree by the time district comes around we will be playing like we should,and by playoffs we should be rolling, .......I'll be straight up and say that we are struggling a little bit right now from what I see, that's ok that's why we practice and play the game,
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