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Everything posted by GATA!

  1. couldn't be that coach's are retiring from the place with purple N's onside of the gourd protectors,
  2. Cussing?? Give me a brake! If that's the main reason for his removal then that answers any questions about the board/sup, maybe they should hit the 2 a days this year so they want be so soft and sensitive for the next coach in line....Good luck to the barbays wherever they go, and good luck to the Jasper athletics on finding the right guy for the job.
  3. Foster from Newton had 207 takles on the year...new school record
  4. Man I hate it, gonna have alot of spots to fill next season
  5. Yea, Newton had some sour apples that wanted to try and coach from the stands, no fights though, but it just kills me how our own fans can disrespect not just the coach's but the teenagers on the field, I hate that we lost but I also understand the work put in to make a 4th round appearance it's not easy for any division.
  6. Yep, and for the love of God can we not come out ranked so high next season lol,
  7. Our defense did their job, but the O just couldn't get anything going, we had our chances, dropped wide open deep ball, fumble on the 5yrd line , Arp just had our number last night,
  8. Congrats on a good run Crockett, hate that y'all were banged up
  9. Hmm it's actually only about 30 min more for them to sa, closer than I thought. It should be a packed house!
  10. Nation they might as well drive to Jasper vs SA lol only a few more minutes drive
  11. Corrigan! What did you think of the Eagles Friday?
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