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Posts posted by ctucker

  1. Personally, I don't see them winning in district. CB played LP and lost 49-27.........all 27 points were scored after they sat their starters. Sure, CB has improved but LP has talent. Damn, I hate saying that.

    La Porte smoked Clear Brook last season and RSS won after almost losing to Clear Brook. RSS has the advantage of an off week coupled with an always physical rivalry game this Friday for La Porte against Deer Park. I think it'll be a fun one, but I wouldn't put it in the W column for RSS. And I haven't seen PAM this year but they sure seem snake bit looking at the line scores. I figure they do have a shot at it. But this district is tough. If PAM and WB drops to 5A, I could see RSS, LP, GCM and DP replacing Manvel, Alvin, Dawson and Pearland in 22-6A.

    That would have RSS playoff bound every season.

  2. Not sure about better, but Corbet seems to be growing at the QB position and those WRs are quick. OL plays well as a group and the tackle that broke his foot just before the season started should be back soon.

    They need to find 4 more wins:

    West Brook, PAM and La Porte are "doable" but by no means a lock.  (LP beat this same Clear Brook team by 40.)

    So you look at Deer Park or Channelview for the 4th win. Tall tasks, but they could run with both of them.

    It's going to be tough, but not impossible. 

    I like RSS to make it a game against La Porte. It really is becoming a rivalry game, and not counting the Adduddle years RSS and La Porte is close whoever is up and down at the time.

  3. is this team better than the 2014 version of RSS? Hard to beat the running backs they had last year?? North Shore and Channelview will be locks for the playoffs, and PAM doesnt look to have much of an impact this year, so that leaves WB, DP, LP, and RSS vying for the final 2 spots.This could be a the year~!

    They are more talented than they were last season from top to bottom, a little deeper but don't have the experience. They have a shot, but they really need to take care of business against La Porte.

    If they do that and take care of PAM like I feel they should, They just need to steal one from either Deer Park at home or WB on the road.

  4. Brook had their chances..........the pass interference in the endzone when Brook had an int. was a crap call in my opinion.

    From the box, it looked like the kid was pushed down before the ball was let go, which is still a penalty for a first down in high school. You can't do that anymore until you get to the pros. I believe the correct call would've been illegal contact, but that would've been the same result. But yeah the RSS defense was missing one of its best defensive players in Modeste and it showed. Both teams should be fun to watch going forward.

  5. Wow, seems like they just can't get this offense to click. I haven't been to a real game yet so tell me this. Do you think they need to consider moving Duke back to QB and go back to a run first type offense, or do you think they can still get it going with Hamm?

    Hamm had a decent game. The pick only came when he had 4 guys in his face and had to throw off his back foot. As for running, Adams was held to 3.3 yards a carry. The top rusher was the fullback, who had a lot of success on a play that the Rangers seemed to figure out in the fourth quarter.

    They're going to have to throw the ball to win this year. They had such a good o-line last year to run behind. I'd like to see if Adams can throw the ball out of the backfield.

    As for Sterling, I think they are getting better every snap as they gain experience. But we'll see if it translates to wins in district. They do have to cut down on penalties. 80 yards last week, 75 this week.

    Both teams fought really hard and both sets of fans should be proud.

  6. Yeah thats impressive for sterling, congrats to those kids that played. There are some things of signs to come, that you can take from under sqquad games, but whether it actually transfers to the Friday night lights, is a different story. RSS use to win Dist in Frosh A, Soph(Suicide Squad) and JV(Blue Devils) quite frequently, yet never made the playoffs.  Just food for thought, not taking anything away from the Lil' Ranger Boys...

    A lot of those district champ players at RSS were at Lee the next season in the Olin era..... But it's definitely true that under squad doesn't always transfer. I have heard that the Freshman team at RSS is incredible. Have to put in the offseason work though.

  7. I think GCM build on their momentum from last year and win this game. They had a strong run game as well

    They are majorly missing some of the offensive line that graduated. Stephen Adams (Who in my opinion is an incredible running back) had to shake three guys just to get to the line of scrimmage a few times last week and Tomball Memorial's defensive line is not close to Sterlings in size or speed. That and they run the read option with a pocket passing QB. The RSS nose guard is stronger than the GCM interior line and faster than their QB. IF they try to run the read option again they're going to have a rough time. But That's what quick passes to Duke are for.

  8. I'll just say this; I look for Lee to be improved enough that if any team in this disrict besides PNG and Central takes them too lightly they might be in for a suprise. However, if teams prepare like they should, most should beat them.

    Also, if anyone on the entire team gets injured things will get dicey for them. They have some depth problems. Most do with their enrollment numbers in a place with multiple high schools. Obviously hopefully no one gets hurt. They are just kids.

  9. Just curious, looking at Lee's schedule, what 4 or 5 games do you see them winning. Sante Fe is doable. Waller, I don't know enough about. Then you have the rest off 22 5A. So I see maybe Sante Fe, maybe Lumberton, and don't know about Waller. Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see them win except against GCM. I just don't think they're better than 2 or 3 wins yet.

    Santa Fe, Lumberton, Vidor. I can also see them upsetting Ozen and GCM. They almost beat Ozen last year. I know Ozen just beat PAM, but I don't think PAM is so great this year.

  10. RSS has a safety that matches up athletically with Duke (Torres Brown.) RSS ran about two different run plays and two different pass plays against REL. I see them opening up against GCM. Should be a toss up IMO. (RSS ran their scat back once all game against Lee.) Just a lot size and athleticism all over for Sterling at almost every position. That being said at RSS for about 90% of their starters this is their second varsity game so anything could happen. As an independent observer. It should be a good game. Lots of people I'm sure will show up and I know the GCM kids have had this date circled on their calendar since last September. I also think Lee will win 4 or 5 games this year if they can get over the Lee/Sterling hangover.

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