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Posts posted by whoisatfirst

  1. Now that I think about it, I'm not buying the "Gilmer played the worst half all season" statement. When a defense stops you on big 3rd downs and 4th downs, has plenty of pass breakups, smothers your run game, and gets after your QB, that's not a bad half for Gilmer, WOS just came out and played Chain Gang defense, credit the best defense you've seen all year. As for the second half, we made the mistakes (3 turnovers). Gilmer capitalized on every single mishap in that second half and thats what Championship teams do, but spoon fed point to the Buckeyes.

  2. Some of yall are delusional! To say Gilmer should've hung 60 blah blah give me a break WOS punched them in the mouth the first half and Gilmer didn't know what hit them. Maybe that was the worst Gilmer has played all season but did yall watch the same second half as I did? BY FAR the worst second half the Stangs have played all season. I witness 2 evenly matched teams, tale of 2 halves, bounces did go WOS way, it happens. Gilmer is a heck of a team, but taking credit away from WOS and the team they had this year is asinine.

  3. Hmmmm...that would be interesting if he did change to that. I'm not sold that we have the players to run that type of run and gun offense, even though I am a big fan of the fast pace style. You have to play to your teams strengths, and our identity for years has been run run run, play action, run some more!


    Time will tell if Keeler is the man, who knows changes might be necessary in the upcoming years, we shall see.


    Your daughter picked the right school that is for sure. Gotta love Hunstville and those Bearkats! EAT EM UP!

  4. I will be the first to admit I wasn't convinced this was a good hire after the start to the season. Looking back now that was way to early to write someone off. As Bearkats we've been spoiled with winning over the last few years and losing regular season games the way we did just didn't sit right with many alumni. However, look where we are now, sitting in round 3 with a QB who can be somewhat suspect, and no real superstar type player like we have seen in years past besides Overstreet. So from that perspective he has done one great job with an extremely young team. I like what I see and the more he wins the more fan support he will gain.


    P.S: I do miss Fritz!!!

  5. You're right, I was looking at the bracket backwards. Fantastic haha talk about underdogs!

    We have to take care of business this weekend first, Nova aint no pushover.


    What are your feelings about the new coach? I can say one thing, his fashion sense needs a major upgrade because those uniforms are UG-LY!

  6. I was going to keep that opinion to myself Aggie, but since you brought it up I completely agree. Not to mention (looking down the road a bit here) wouldn't you want to play in a venue that would sorta take the awe away from Jerry world? Not that anything can really compare to that stadium but a college facility is the next best thing. Anywho, not bashing the coaches just some crazy rambling since Friday is still 4 days away :wacko:

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