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Toss right

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Posts posted by Toss right

  1. 89falcon. You won't make any predictions again until they produce? Oh gosh say it ain't so what ever will they do? Lol. Thank god the kids don't quit like you do. Poor guy, get on this site to just cause problems and disrespect everybody. I honestly feel sorry for you. I don't know if when you were young kids threw rocks at you, or your mom didn't breast feed or what but man find a doctor and lie down.
  2. I think either can kill either. Again if you have coaches who support each other no matter who the AD is it doesn't matter. You don't have to kill one sport to get better at another. How bout we just support kids. Besides most play multiple sports so why support them in one and not the other. Heck the AD can be the cross county coach. Don't matter as long as coaches on same page.
  3. I think what warren did this past year was fine to. Just like it when a coach adjust his playbook for personnel not what worked at last school or even what's popular. My school ran spread two years ago and kids liked it but with lack of talent it was a train wreak.
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