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Posts posted by Sport1971!

  1. Coby Roddy and Devon Roedahl,  are a fine pitchers and they would be very high on my list...My son has played with them as well and has been a privilege to do so. As far as USEDTOBE...and the statement what do Soph. matter...I will take Roddy, Shugart, Franklin, Marshall, Howard, padgett, Roedahl, Anderson's, Proctor, Croft, Edlemon and Clark "Buna" Every single one of these guys can pitch and or be one of the best in position as well as flat mash! You get a list of names together and we will compare stats at the end of this year and see who's team wins on paper...mine all little weak (12) 10th graders and whatever you want to stack up. What do you BIG RED MACHINE!
  2. Well sorry Keith Stone...I let my account go after I got tired of the drama, plus I lost my old password and had canceled an old email address and could not access but its baseball and I have things to say. But if you want to know who's dad is who, well here we go. Me: Andrew Marshall is the dad of Austin Marshall "left hand pitcher" and Coach Tracy Franklin is the dad of Ethan Franklin "right hand pitcher". Now I am going officially brag about these two young men. In one Dad's opinion, Austin and Ethan are a force to be delt with as Sophomores. In addition, they will continue to be a force for the next two years and I think that by the time they are both Seniors I think they will be tough! And no Austin is not a Kicker he is a Punter.
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