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Posts posted by myson#1fan

  1. No, and here is why

    WOS 4-0, PNG W 4-1, Jasper 3-1, Lum W 3-1, Lum B 3-1, Vidor 3-3, BC 2-2, LCM 2-2, BMT 2-3, PNGP 2-3, Ktz 1-4, OF 0-3, and Ned 0-5

    So based on records and that is what the STJFL will go by WOS,PNGW, Jasper and 2 Lum teams should have a good rivalry next year. Hope league will schedule them all to play each other.

    I think ice tea was going by the REAL record not the games given 😉
  2. Funny how the the people who think kids that get beat by 65 points are too stupid to care about the game is the same people that have kids who understand the whole playoff system. Quit crying about a loss and move on like you tell everybody else. If you that good it dont matter where you place.

    Never said any kid was stupid. And we takes our lost like champs well our REAL LOST (ex. PNGW) not the ones that are taken from us with no explanation (ex. Lumw AND LumB)
  3. my child knows what's going on and is wondering why he is sitting 3rd in the playoffs and he beat the Lumberton blue and they are sitting 2nd. And I can't even explain to him why because the STJFL board haven't given us a reason.. What THE BOARD don't understand is they are only hurting the children in this. Our team don't have their Head coach whose been coaching them since August and they get TWO games taken away from them just because the board wants their team to get in the playoffs!! CRAZINESS
  4. Man, LYB, you should definitely have the inside track on that! Lol. Honestly, I hate that those awesome kids had to forfeit their wins. I'm not even saying I agree with it. I'm just saying that much of the blame falls on the coach. No one seems to want to address that he was at fault. Marie at least acknowledged that he was wrong.

    Yep it's personal!!! What do you have against the BMT coach? What didn't you get about him not knowing he couldn't coach against Lumerton blue? Believe me we did not need him to coach against them as much as we needed him yesterday against PNGW. And what did he do again against Lumberton white? Yeah nobody knows lol.
  5. You make good arguments. The bottom line is that the coach screwed up AFTER he had already been penalized. Maybe he just made another poor decision. I don't think he set out to hurt the kids wins, but that's what he did. Kids and parents suffer because of him.

    Seems like you have something personal against the BMT coach...
  6. The FACT is that the coach was not allowed to go to the meeting the first time (not sure why since it was about him) and it was TOLD to him that his suspension did not start to until that Sunday. So no he did not intinally break any rules. Please can we get back to football!!!!
  7. Lumberton did not force the Beaumont coach or coaches to break the rules even after they were reprimanded. The STJFL is made up of members of more than just Lumberton teams. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing of the disciplinary action that was initially taken, because I (like you I assume) were not in those meetings; however, the head coach present on the sidelines after being kicked out was plain for anyone to see. He did not care what happened by his blatant disregard for his suspension. He let the Bmt boys down. He also said quite clearly that everything is all about him. If he gave any consideration to the kids, he would have stayed away from the sideline. Instead, he gave away another win that those kids earned. I hope he is proud of himself. Unfortunately, people like you don't like to put the blame where it should be. If nothing had been done wrong, then the board would not have had any recourse. You need to reexamine who shares the blame in this issue. STJFL? Lumberton? The Coach? Ask this... Did the first two have anything to do with putting the coach on the sideline after he was suspended? No. That was his selfish decision.

    Undoubtedly you really don't know what happened so before I say something crazy and they lock this thread I'm going to leave this topic alone AND GET BACK TO THE REAL TOPIC. LETS GO BULLDOGS!!
  8. I agree. It was not the kids fault. Once again I also say that the coaches had no regard for those boys. It was their selfish act that did it. If they hadn't given the board a reason to take action, then they would still have those wins. You can't start a fire without fuel. Coaches and players ALL have to adhere to the rules. We win as a team and we lose as a team. They cost their whole team to lose. I just wonder if they're going to keep putting themselves before the kids and break the rules time and again. We will see. Good luck to the Bmt boys. They are so much fun to watch!

    What rule did they break again??? O that's right the STJFL board don't even know. Get out of here with all the BS.. Lumberton knew what they were doing. Crazy how a head coach get a suspension for a year and never broke a rule before. How do the STJFL have a meeting and the person who is appealing can't even come? I'm done with this subject cause it is pointless. Good luck to the Indians they will need it!!
  9. Ice Tea you hit it with that statement, from what I have seen those BMT kids can run their own show and still light up the score board.

    I hope yall are right... I just know the head coach brings a lot out of them and pumps those kids up when needed.. Crazy when the kids get affected by grown ups egos.. BUT ANYWAYS.... It will be a great game Saturday!! CAN'T WAIT
  10. That is starting and stirring up the pot because I don't see it your way come on man obviously something was done wrong or it wouldn't have happen Lum is not the only vote. There are people from all over the league that saw the Video and were in agreement that it was time for him to go. You guys are the ones that turn it Into all this and that. Stirring the Pot lol that is funny I thought that was what u were doing! ITS ON FILM (JAG ) and they all watched it and he was suspended before for this same thing. Then you come on here and turn it into they don't want your kids playing and that is far from the truth you guys are the problem not your kids! I know you no who I am what does that matter I'm just not seeing it your way so u guys attack me so go ahead!

    Correction he was never suspended because he was never the head coach. Get your facts correct first pleae. So IF (and I do mean if because we have film too) he did violate the mercy rule he should get the same punishment the Nederland coaches did. In my opinion..
  11. [font='trebuchet ms']I personally, do not have a dog (pun intended) in this fight. However, I will say this: [/font]

    [font='trebuchet ms']Fact of the matter is, no one knows the whole story regarding this issue. Everything that is being said on this forum is opinions only. No one on this site was on the field and heard what each coach (from both sides) and the refs discussed. Not one person knows what the Nederland White Coaches were thinking regarding scoring that day, and that includes the STJFL Board. [/font]

    [font='trebuchet ms']Rules are put into place to ensure equal opportunity, not equal outcomes. If you are going to enforce an “ethics” rule, then do so in a clear and definite manner and across the board, none of this case by case baloney. Investigate better and make the rules less subjective.[/font]

    [font='trebuchet ms']This is football people; you win some, you lose some. These kids are upset no matter if the score is 60-0 or 39-0; a loss is a loss. [/font][font='trebuchet ms']All athletes (and parents for that matter) need to learn how to win and lose with dignity. On the playground, kids learn that organically (playing to 11 sometimes results in a score of 11-0).[/font]

    [font='trebuchet ms']The purpose of sport is to primarily teach kids life lessons about success and about failure. The failure lessons may in fact be more important than the successes. Everyone wants their child to succeed, its part of being a parent, however, protecting your child from difficult situations only delays lessons that are very necessary. Those parents who consistently prepare the path for the child by confronting teachers and coaches, changing teams, changing leagues and changing schools are making life-long losers out of their children. Kids will grow into adults and experience grumpy co-workers and mean bosses. Constantly insulating kids from difficult situations and consistently cleaning up the mess they create defeats the purpose of sport. Remember you are a parent. You are not a friend, a manager, or an agent. Your job is to help create a competent, capable adult, not a dysfunctional child. [/font]

    [font='trebuchet ms']I do not believe this coach intentionally or maliciously “ran the score up.” If he did, then shame on him, and he deserves the punishment given to him. [/font][font='trebuchet ms']Bottom line, quit judging these VOLUNTEERS( coaches and/or board members). All coaches can do is try to be as fair as possible, but telling kids not to score, hit, shoot, run fast or try hard comes with its own set of problems, not the least of which is potential injury partially caused by doing something different or playing "easier". So until all the facts are known, lets all keep our mouth shut and play some ball. [/font]

    [font='trebuchet ms']PS- Not everyone can afford to place their talented child on a select team; recreational may be their only option. [/font]

    Well said 👌👌👌
  12. Yes it happen WOS and BMT I truely don't think they beat WOS but maybe 2 out 10 times they play them.


    Not 2 out of 10 huh??? I would say 5 out of 10... Half and half.. WOS is good but so is BMT 😜😉😉
  13. Cant wait for PN W to silence this Board. The land of (future NFL 10 year olds) has gotten a bit more cranky than last season. Karma doesn't play nice. Easy Bmt peeps. I'm quite sure PN W will treat you guys the same as Nederland and not hurt your feelings. Nothing over 40 points. Its only fair they play by the rules with you guys as well.

  14. I saw the last 40 minutes of this game and that is not all true. The number 3 kid was running all over the other team on offense and defense. Even people on the Beaumont side were afraid it was going to cause problems with him scoring touchdowns at 40 to 0 so there is no way the coaches didn't know that was wrong. If you want to say you are a better team thats fine but shame on you for saying the high score was the other coaches fault because of something he did. Beaumont wasnt worried about the score and they did not try to stop until the last few seconds. This is the second year in a row with this same problem so this team better brace for impact if the league finds out about it. There is no excuse good enough to explain a 50 to 0 score in a youth game.

    You couldn't have been at the game the score was not 50-0 😉😉
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