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Everything posted by Gatorpie456

  1. Keep in mind the TAPPS rule that was put in this year! If a team is up 40 the mercy rule sets in which causes for a running clock. If it wasn't for that rule the score would have been a lot worse.
  2. Ok roger korby since you know everything about football tell me y they shoul stay in the 3-4. You sit obviously don't diddly poo about football! To run a 3-4 you need a awesome nose guard that Kelly doesn't have! You need 2 linemen that r awesome that Kelly has teu choose not to play them on defense for some reason. Need 4 linebackers who r mad men and I'm telling you right now Kelly doesn't have 1 linebacker on that team so you sir don't know anything about football good try though
  3. Yeah yeah yeah fisherman blah blah blah keep making excuses! Kelly needs to get out of that defense if they want to win any games this year!
  4. Im going to have to agree with magic, the 3-4 defense won't cut it!! You don't have the line r the linebackers to do it a defensive guru could even figure that one out
  5. I don't really think HJ is going to be as bad as everyone thinks. There defense looked ok and it seem the o-line was clicking. LCM looked ok as we'll. Defense looked good for LCM. Don't really have much to say about Kelly. They did ok on the offensive side of the ball. Some was good the majority not so well. I will admit they looked a little better then the first scrimmage. Still kinda looks like alot I confusion on the defensive side of the ball with secondary. Don't really see the 3-4 being successful for them. Good luck though
  6. Went to the scrimmage and Kelly didn't impress me one bit. The football play and jut the atmosphere. It's a whole lot different then last year I personally didn see alot of coaching going on alot of standing around by coaches. Defenately a different team I don't see them winning one game.
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