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Everything posted by Fightingfitzpatricks

  1. [quote name="AggiesAreWe" post="1272213" timestamp="1347692608"] I was told by a very unbiased observer that had Trinity not lost it's QB in 2nd quarter, this would have been a very different ball game. ;) [/quote] Anytime a team loses a key player, it can affect the outcome of the game. It was unfortunate that Trinity lost their quarterback. But it's all part of the game. Kountze was missing some players and had some playing at less than 100%. The key is having depth on your team. Throughout the season, it is not unusual to lose players to injuries. Someone has to step up and play at a higher level. We'll see when district play gets started if Kountze has what it takes. Based on the past three games, I don't see how anyone can deny a much improved team. Even if you are not a Kountze fan (and obviously you're not), there is no need to discount what is going on with the Kountze football program. Sometimes you have to rebuild from the foundation up, and that is what Kountze has done. They have coaches that understand how to teach the game of football, not just utilize one player to win games. Even if they don't make the playoffs this year, they will continue to learn and improve each year. They still have a relatively young team. Congrats on a game well played. I believe Justin Harper had three touchdown passes that were incredible...and he's a sophomore. Oh yeah, there are great things to come.
  2. Maybe everyone needs to remember that we are talking about high school football. These boys are 14-18 years old. They go out and practice in the heat everyday, busting their butts to get better. They are reading some of these remarks that I assume are being made by adults. Be the grown-up! Kountze played a fantastic game, and they are a much better team this year. Last year we only had one weapon that was utilized, and when you shut him down we fell apart. This year our talent runs deep, and it will take more than shutting down one player to beat us. HD played a good game last night, but I was disappointed by the cheap shots taken against our players on the field. But I guess that's just part of the game. Keep the discussion about football; ya'll are starting to sound like a bunch of twelve year old girls. By the way...Bobcat 55, excellent post. We all eat crow occassionally, but you did it with class. Best of luck in the season.
  3. As a matter of fact, Paul, I do know you and, I have worked with you and I am very aware of your professionalism or lack there of.  As far as me hating the band; I was in band and have respect for the talent it takes to be successful. That comment about your kids was just a joke, I am sorry you didn’t see the humor. I guess when you feel that someone is taking a shot at your kids it isn’t that funny. Although, you are continually trying to down play the comments that you made, others see them for what they are. You say that people who know you know that you would not talk negatively about kids, what about the people who read this forum who don’t know you? Perhaps everyone doesn’t appreciate your particular brand of sarcasm or humor. I have no control over your job, but it seems to me that you may not either anymore. As far as your credibility, could you share the many successes Kountze has experienced under your leadership? Credibility doesn’t come with your job title it comes from your reputation and track record. Sour grapes…greener pastures?? Most coaches change jobs to move up in their career not down.
  4. I always enjoy the posts and banter on SETXSports. However, I must admit that I was bit surprised to read the recent posts of Paul Colton. To attack the children of your new boss doesn’t sound like a wise career move; then when called out, to attempt to minimize your comments through humor? I cannot believe a grown man would take a shot at students that will be in his school district next year on an open forum like SETXSports. Perhaps you are jealous of the successes of Mr. Franklin’s children? Since you opened that can of worms, let’s talk about the many athletic successes of your children. Oh, wait, the only time your boys stepped on a football field was to march in the band. I do not think signing your name adds any credibility to your posts. It only exposes your lack of professionalism and loyalty to your district. I hope the administrators at KISD, and your NEW boss, Mr. Tracy Franklin, have forgiving spirits. Otherwise, you could find yourself at best coaching 7th grade football and at worst, looking for a new coaching job altogether. This is a forum about local highschool football, we can do without your sarcasm.
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