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  1. [quote name="bobcat4life" post="1205188" timestamp="1333383150"] OH Mr. Little, you know I love you and we go back a long way.  I also know that a lot of what you say, or don't say is to stir things up.  Here are a few questions I have for you; 1. How should an AD be judged?  2. Wins and losses? 3. Number of kids in the program? 4. Overall morale and unity of the school? Secondly, who told you or anyone else for that matter it was the kids that received discipline last year?  Sure they were the school board's kids, but, to my knowledge, Mr. McAlpin, the principal, administered the discipline, NOT Huck.  Funny, I haven't heard one negative word concerning McAlpin.  Those kids confessed, they were not caught.  They could have lied about it, but they didn't.  They then faced their discipline, and went on.  In short, the issues going on have zero to do with the discipline those boys faced, but rather a difference of opinion in certain facets of the athletic program. For anyone to say different is irresponsible.  Secondly, the boys we are talking about are just that.... boys.  Not sure which kids aren't susceptible to making mistakes. Here is the other deal, when the board suggested months ago they would like to see a class for basketball kids, etc. It was a recommendation to the Supt.  Why there is this huge panic with everyone running around screaming about the school board is a mystery to me.  I know every one of them personally.  I do not agree with each of them on every issue, but I will say this, they are all in it for the benefit of kids. Period. [/quote] I attended one of the school board meetings earlier in the year.  I was astonished and mortified at the conduct of 2 of the school board members. If you had seen what I saw, you might have a different opinion of the whole situation. They had hatred in their eyes and treated Coach Huckabay in a way that no one deserves to be treated. If all they were concerned about was adding classes for different sports, they wouldn't have acted the way they did. The intentions they had were definitely personal. There is nothing anyone can say to change my mind. I saw it for myself, and at the time, I wasn't even aware of what was really going on. If there is a Code of Conduct for the School Board then a line was certainly crossed.
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