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Everything posted by Brubaker

  1. There is a lot of bad information here and poor speculation. Glad to hear Crommet is not retiring. Spell is not in his 70's and is coaching this year from the last I heard.
  2. Is it a legal requirement by uil or something to have a masters?
  3. The Athletic Director position requires a masters degree at a minimum?
  4. WOS had a very dry spell by their standards when Thompson left the first time, this was under the Hooks reign. Make no mistake, Thompson has been the reason for their dominance the past 30 plus years.
  5. You can't You just can't leave Jack Dallas and KJ Miller off this list, but like WOSGrad said, they aren't playing to be on this list... something much bigger.
  6. I do think they need better balance of touches for others to reduce the chance of injury going forward. He towed a heavy, heavy load which he carried well, but that opens him up to injury. I think that is more of the balance needed. He is a special football player no doubt.
  7. I think there has been lots of very good and real explanations in these 3 pages.
  8. What in the world does this even mean... Tavian Mayfield doesn't post on this board to my knowledge. What do you mean by the guy like to see how he ranks against other kids playing the same position, what in the world?
  9. This was part of my point earlier in this thread. Even WOS has had fairly lengthy droughts where they bailed out in the 2nd round territory. Difference is at WOS, that is considered a drought, where other programs rightfully see that as a banner season. I still go back to the fact that the thread was focused on WOS success due to the current senior class and their unbelievable run... it's just not realistic to make this 3 year run the standard.
  10. For several years there, WOS was as human as the rest of the programs in the area, I'd have to look at the playoff history. I'm not taking anything away from their status as this area and one of the state giants, but don't get confused with what this group of seniors has done. What this group has done is on a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT level in my opinion. WOS has a great tradition and a great program, but this group is just something else.
  11. That's what I was thinking, not a knock, but looks to be more of a 4.6 guy when I saw him play. He's plenty fast, just was wondering about the 4.5 which sounds like a quick finger on the clock.
  12. He is the master of downgrading and underestimating and disrespecting schools... fails to see where the sum of the parts is greater than the whole... and at time when the whole is considerably less productive than the sum of the parts.
  13. As humble as that kid is, RJ is going to get sick and tired of this love fest over the next two years. I'll pile on, he is one impressive football player. Can't wait to host him at Jerry Mallory Field next year.
  14. I'm not saying they are slow, they are both have well above average speed, my eye would say they are running in the 4.6 range. Very respectable for high school.
  15. I have seen PNG play several times and they don't have a 4.4 guy on their team. A couple of guys can run well, but there are very few 4.4 guys playing D1 football, much less concentrated at PNG. PNG has above average overall team speed though I will say that.
  16. The electoral college exists so that a handful of densely populated and like minded cities don't run the country for the remaining 90% of geographic America. The founding fathers saw fit that cities such as NYC, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston would not decide the fate of our republic. Just because you pile people in high rises and pack them into a piece of land, they don't get to decide the future of the country. It's a beautiful system they set up.
  17. Hats off to the PNG players and fans for making this rivalry such a respectful and special event. This could've really been a moment to shove it in Nederland's face, but from top to bottom you have won with class and shown that Honor, Pride, and Tradition go deeper than just winning football games. I saw Logan Lejeune hugging Connor Perkins on the 50 yard line while Bum's tribute played, when he could've been celebrating, but he understands the rivalry. Congrats and good luck this week.
  18. I don't think the fact Nederland missed the playoffs has much to do with the fact that these posts from Central fans are in fact 100% CLASSLESS and we can only assume typical since you two Central fans are the ones pounding away at it.
  19. Did you actually read what Mayfield posted??? He said the reason given was for lying... lying. Neumann corroborated what Mr. Mayfield said when he referenced it from the beginning... "missing workouts under false pretenses were his exact words as printed in the paper." Hair length was probably mentioned, because it's a team rule like for everyone else. But again, read what Mr. Mayfield posted, there are no crickets.
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