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Posts posted by ThirdDay

  1. Yes it is Coach Grimes who was the RB coach last year.  He has these kids excited and working their butts off.  Let's hope the hard work continues through the summer.  Sounds like they will be much more balanced offensively.  They were able to put up decent rushing yards last year.  Hopefully now that they will be passing more that they will be able to extend drives and put up some points.
  2. Haven't heard exactly what they will run just yet.  Whatever it is it has to have more of a chance than the flexbone.  Sterling already has a difficult time getting kids to participate in offseason work.  There were so many that didn't like the flexbone and spoke out about it that I don't think the kids were ever going to get behind it.  Hopefully the change will motivate some of the kids to get off their butts and get to work.

    It could be trouble if they go to the spread.  I would guess some of the WR's have probably moved on to another sport or quit all together after running the flexbone the last couple years.  They do have several skill players that could be difference makers if they will just show up and put in the time.
  3. Just heard there is a new OC at Baytown Sterling.  That makes 3 new OC's in 3 years.  I heard they were getting away from exclusively running the flexbone which should get some of the kids excited again as the kids didn't buy into the last system.  Hopefully the kids buy into the new OC's system and start putting in the work during the offseason and preseason to turn things around.
  4. Something needs to be done to bring the excitement and passion back to Sterling.  Until they get a dynamic leader that these kids will gravitate to, the kids (a large majority anyway) will continue with the half hearted approach to the off season.  Sterling has 5A enrollment numbers but 2A participation.  They need someone that will inspire and challenge these kids to play football.

    Is there any truth to the rumor that Aduddell has 2 months left on his contract?
  5. RSS special teams was bad at the beginning of the year and horrible at the end. Aduddell may have been a good coach at clear lake but he hasn't shown anything here. Defense was just as bad at the end of the year as it was in the beginning. The offense did make some strides but the play calling and stubbornness of running this offense from under center has got to go. There is just no creativity.

    I hope there is a change. A new coach would be nice but first and foremost is the players MUST commit to start tomorrow preparing for next year. And that is not just during football class.
  6. Baytown Sterling lost a student over the weekend.  On his way home from work, Shawn Williams was killed after the vehicle he was in was hit while sitting at a traffic light by a truck fleeing police.  The son of a Pastor of a LaPorte church, Shawn was loved by everyone.  He could always be counted on to brighten everyones day.  In honor of Shawn, Baytown students are wearing yellow (his favorite color).

    Shay Hollinghead is the driver of the vehicle Shawn was in is in critical condition and needs our prayers.

    Please keep Shay, Shawn, their families, friends and RSS students in your prayers.
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