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Posts posted by frosty

  1. i dont wanna hear the age excuse, he is one year older than randy johnson and 5 years YOUNGER than julio franco and they can show up to in the spring on a roster. the guys great but there comes a point when it just becomes rediculous to put it off until atleast may. any team would be better w/ him on the staff but be reasonable. could you imagine if he held out and all the teams pulled back their offers lol (i know it wont ever happen)

  2. yea it pretty much sucks being out b/c everything cost money now. i wasnt blaming anything on two kids, i know how things go and i know that the oline gets blamed for everything even if its beyond their control. the line is young anyways and has room to improve. i like the center and the way he plays, maybe that comes from my sympathy for undersized centers lol.

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