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Posts posted by OldTimer

  1. I am not a WOS fan - I greatly respect the team but only been to 1 game.  But to question a OC after 1 loss with a relatively young team is uncalled for.  WOS fans - you have a good thing going but now you expect - NO demand to win every game.  This is High School football you will not win them all.

    Normally the coaches know what their players are best at and what will work - if it does not it is easy to question from the stands or the press box.  No way to prove the 2nd guessers wrong.

    WOS is a power in the local football sceen and that does not appear to be going anyplace soon.  But that is a credit to the players and Coaches that have gotten them there.  If you have something that works and has a proven history - then let the coaches do their job. 8)

  2. Pantherplaya - Brooks is not the "great" player that the Tarkington fans think he is - but hes not that bad either.  One of his problems is he has absolutely no supporting cast.  We will see - I think they will pull in out over Hardin as Hardin is 1 - 2 years aways from being a real competitive team.  If we were talking next year I would say that Hardin will Prob win.  But last year record speaks for itself and they don't have the bodies to replace who they lost last year.  In talking to their new coach he will make the most of what he has but he is only 4- 5 real players deep this year.  My prediction is still Tarkington in a close game. ;)

  3. Have to Laugh - got a negitive Karma for saying that cussing a player is wrong and not needed.

    I disagree that most Coaches cuss - I know some that do and many more that don't.  I still do not think you have to cuss to show intensity or to correct a player that has done something wrong and is not performing at the required level.  There are good and bad coaches on both sides of this (cussing and not cussing).

    I will continue to say that if you want the best from you players that one of the factors is to show them respect (Now let me state that players have to earn that respect from thier coaches by what they do on and off the field) - and cussing anyone is a sign of disrespect.

  4. Josh White - Liberty

    Has been a starting LB since he was a Soph. - never been set loose as a RB since the 8th grade.  Watch out - could easily break 1500 yeads rushing.  The Kid has size speed and ability to break tackles.  Last year was playing equal to the stating TB till 4th game of the season and he was the district offensive MVP.

  5. You want to get the best out of your players - you show them respect and work them hard and expect them to perform at a high level.

    Hate to say it but cussing a player is a serious sign of disrespect - there are other ways of motivating your players without cussing them.  Now I have no problem with a Coach that yells and gets angry at a player that is not trying or doing their very best - you just don't have to cuss them.

  6. This is easy - Player makes a long Run or Receives a long pass and showboats on the way to the endzone and either fumbles or puts the ball down inside the 5 yard line.  Happen to us in a game - won't say how long ago - but a long time ago.  Player caught a 98 yard touchdown pass - too bad it should have been a 99 yard pass.  He tought he had crossed the goal line and placed the ball down on the 1 yard line. We recovered. :o

  7. Its a bad idea to questions any Coach about "Why" a student is not playing.  The best approach is to ask "What can my son (or daughter) do to improve their chances of getting more playing time".  Almost always they will tell you what is holding your child back - sometimes it can be corrected and other times it can't.  We had a boy 2 years ago that was 6'4" and weighed over 250 Lbs but had the aggressiveness of a butterfly - a great kid - just not a football player.  The parents couldn't see that he was more likely to get hurt than start.  If he could get "mad" then he would have been a great player.  Also, yelling at a Coach or talking trash about the Coach behind his back to other people normally will do nothing to help your child - while most Coaches will not punish then kid for the actions of the parent - some will.

    Best advice - ask your student to approach the Coaches and ask what they can do to help themsleves.  Advice above is correct - show up for practice - work hard - and keep your nose clean - and generally you will get playing time. :-*

  8. WOS92 - This is a blog that will never be fair or changed.  (1) Who decides what is a Tough schedule or a weak schedule (becase if you get your way everyone will schedule weak teams to be 4-0 or 5-0 in pre-district)?  (2) Then who decides what is a close district to the team with the better record? (3) Then at what level do make the cut-off 5-5, 4-6 and if one team is 5-5 and another in a "close district" is 6-4 is it fair to allow that team to go to the playoffs?

    I believe that answer is a Loud - NO. 

    I really believe that the only answer is to go back to the top 1 or 2 teams in each district make the playoffs.  But even under that scenario a team with a losing record can still make the playoffs and it happend even before UIL allowed 3 teams to make the Playoffs.  Then is it fair to allow a team from a "nearby" district go to the playoffs in place of the team that has won their district with a 4-6 record?  Agian the answer is a resounding - NO it is not.

  9. This makes no sense.  Liberty seems to be the whipping child on this site – and yes they have struggled during the last 2- 3 years – but so has every team in the state during a 20-year period.  Liberty had a rough season last year when 3 starting seniors quit or where kicked off the team in the 1st three weeks of the season then 2 starting juniors where kicked off the team for other reasons.  Also 2 starters from the previous year transferred to other schools – 1 went to H-D.  Not many 3A teams can lose 7 – 8 starters and play to the level that they need to every week.  Liberty also had to replace these starters in the middle of the season,

    But back to the UIL playoff discussion - Hell I went and played for the Katy Tigers when they couldn’t make the playoffs to save their lives. 

    On who should go to the playoffs – its official the top 3 teams in the district get to go.  If you happen to be in a weak district then you will be eliminated early.  But through the years several teams that have entered the playoffs have gone deep – just 3 years ago a team with a 3 – 7 record won the regional game against a team that was 10 – 0 during the regular season – That’s why we play the games.

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