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Posts posted by OldTimer

  1. Tenor_guard89 – I know that sometimes that pantherplaya can come off wrong but I think you have made 8 post too many.  While you are not the first to put Shepherd in the district race you should be the last.  Shepherd has won 1 game – Ok they beat Tarkington by 26 – btw the closest game that Tarkington has played in all year.  That will be the last game that Shepherd will win all year.  Now next year all bets are off as Shepherd still has a young fairly quick team – but his year please.

    District will finish with Coldsprings as the undisputed champ as nobody in this district will be able to stop their rushing attack – Liberty had the best chance in the district for that and they gave up 45 points.  Splendora might slow them down but will not stop them and will give up about the same 45 points.

    The final game of the season between Liberty and Cleveland will decide who will come in 2nd in the district this year.  Then the 3 top teams will have to face a talented and deep 21AAA – It will be tough – but I predict that one 22AAA will pull out a win this year against their 21AAA opposition.  Won’t predict which one just think one will pull the big surprise.

  2. First – I never stated that Jeremy Brown was not a good player – I just stated the he was not unstoppable.  For Liberty to be successful they will have to include all 5 players in the game – a thing they did not do all of last year.  They have a few players that will help the team – Jeremy is one of them.  But if they continue to play as individuals and not as a team the result will be the same.

    And no offence meant but didn’t Jeremy play only 1 or 2 games with Liberty last year?  I might have forgot a few but I know he didn’t play very many – and they could have used him.

    BTW is it Steven that moved to HJ and why?

  3. Liberty in a high scoring game - 44 - 35.  Liberty's offense is pretty darn good when they don't stop themselves.  But their defense has yet to prove that they can stop the other teams O.

    In district I think Liberty will also beat Shepherd and Tarkington pretty easy.  Splendora on the other hand at this time is a toss-up and that game should decide 2nd place in the district.

    I agree that no team in this district should assume that they can beat anybody - all teams better bring their A game or face the cnace to lose.


  4. This was one of the most exciting games I have been too recently.

    Liberty was ahead 29 - 15 at halftime and then scored on their 1st possession of the 3rd Qtr.  Then Coldsprings scored on their next 3 possession while causing 1 interception and stopping the Panthers on the next 2 drives - in the process taking a 37 - 36 lead.  Then with 3:00 or so minutes in the game Liberty caused a fumble and got the ball on their own 35 or so and proceeded to socre what appeared to be the game winning TD with about 49 seconds left in the game.  However on a 4th and 8 with 12 seconds left in the game the Coldsprings team pulled of a well executed Hook and Lateral (sometimes called a Hook and Ladder) and scored with 2 seconds left and then made the 2 point conversion to win the game.

    Both offenses were not stopped almost all night.  Liberty's offense had an impressive rushing attack led by Josh White but also had the best passing attack they have had in awhile.

    GREAT GAME - just wish the Panthers had come out on top.

  5. WOS has a winnig system that every year places them in the top AAA football powers in the state and "some" of the fans are not happy.  Make me wonder what would happend if and when they win 7 - 8 games a years for a few years - will they want to run the entire coaching staff out of town.

    WOS should be supporting the coaches that have gotten the system where it is and the ones that keep it there.  As I have stated before the coaches will always know what their players can and will do better than any wanna be coaches in the stands.  The coaches obviously get the most from their players year to year than most other coaches in the area.

    By the way was this not supposed to be "a rebuilding year" for WOS - I think the coaches and players both have stepped up and played to their best ability.

  6. I'm sorry but Tarkington just has not proven that in any sport - with the exception of baseball - that they can make the playoffs.  They just don't seem to know how to handle winning close games.  They do have a good coach but them and Liberty have been cellar dwellers in this district for a long time - don't see a change in the near future.

    I would love to see the Liberty Panthers - the team I support - or Tarkington prove me wrong - but I just don't see it soon.

  7. Hey 21AAA - I admit yall are good.  But come on - Every game WOS - Silsbee - and K-Ville losses it always "we gave it away" or "we beat ourselves".  Ya'll are good but not un-beatable by a long shot.  Just admit when you meet a team that is either better - or just plain out plays you.  It don't happen very often but you sound like poor losers when it does.

  8. The order of finish will be







    Tarkington lost 2 decent players and if they are not replaced Liberty might move up a spot.  Coldspring is the class of this district - Splendora is the best coached - and Cleveland always fields an athletic team.  Liberty has talent but needs a leader to step forward and take control - like the coach personally but he is not a BB coach.

    And Johnny Ringo - Liberty has 3 wins agianst 21AAA during the last 2 years by itself and they have not been that good - BC last year and BC and OF the year before - I also know of at least 2 playoff wins in 22AAA vs 21AAA.

    Catfever - what Liberty team did you watch - in the BC Tournament they were 2 - 1.  Lost by 9 to OF and beat the other 2 teams by 20 each - don't sound that bad to me.

  9. Man I don't understand why everybody is (1) giving Cleveland any respect and (2) totally counting out Splendora.

    Finish will be:

    Coldspring - Good and big with quality defense and RB

    Liberty - Playing good as the young team from last year improved

                May well beat Coldsprings

    Splendora - Still gonna be tough in this district

    Shepherd - not playing terrible

    Cleveland - 1 or 2 years away from district champs - then watch out

    Tarkington - Just plain bad.

    Mark it down.

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