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Everything posted by jlamar81

  1. yea im with beautifulgame . . with that team you could win 5a championship no doubt - the goalie from silsbee should be apart from what i know about him . . stogg's might have a challege agaisnt him. hopefully get to see him play since kelly is over
  2. who plays today and where ???? I know West Brook plays at home -
  3. the Post says ALL SOUTHEAST TEXAS TEAM. . . Not just 4a or 3a schools - Where are some of the west brook guys they got at least two players for sure any coach would love to have. No names mentioned because I am the same with Bon Mot. there is too much talent in this area too name them all. i would love to be apart of a group that pics an All setx team though.
  4. i agree very much on this ... very spastic in the Goal - NeNe just a good jump on the ball..... Would Give nathan stockie one more year he will stop every thing near the goal . .. he has stopped serveral PKs this year and the most amazing thing is that he held on to them. <------ he is also one of my players - i am just stating this because i watch him close - not because i am bragging about my players .... I really do not know many other keepers in the area. The silsbee goalie worked with Freeman so I am sure he can stop his share of shots . . .
  5. WELL SAID JCB <----- i beleive in JV . . . thats what builds a program - . . . Where kids get the idea of what hihg school soccer really means. NOthing wrong with JV soccer . you got to have it if you are trying to build a strong program... thats why every team in the world has a reserve teams. TO become stronger PLAYERS. . . isnt that what american soccer really needs to get some respect for the game. . .
  6. All i am going to say here coaching both high school and club. They are DIFFERENT... You cannot compare high school and club . . . Two different types of play no doubt thats why kingwood probably did not have the success they are use too when they played west brook this year . . .The players that you named are not JV players everyone that played on that team and are starters or all on Varsity . . . Needless to say being game side agaisnt the Alliance - without Tony and a few other grads . . . I think we would have put more points on the board . . . But over all it was a physical game both teams wanted a victory and other than more tactical style of play. The goal you guys scored was a Goalie Mistake on Kelly's part which happens to be a sophmore.
  7. Sorry for assuming Esoc. I thought you were calling players Jackasses... I guess your right, i pay closer attention to players that i know. Maybe thats my downfall as a coach. I want the guys i know do good in high school - so if they need some help with college I can do that. I never trained Trahan . . I think he is a great player. . I think also the sweeper from Nederland has talent in stoping players that are trying to hit the net. Well sorry for the miss understanding Esoc . . .
  8. not to be rude esoc . . . Jsmitty is a friend of mine and we just joke around alittle bit. If your calling a guy a jackass that is big and has a hard shot that you really do not even know. Donnie is a very talented player has great ball skills and has very good placement. Dustin from westbrook is the same type of player. I think they are very talented players with some awesome skill. If you really want to talk skill yea yea and trahan are extremely good with there feet. I know for a fact that yeayea can finish i have seen it first hand when he would come to my training. I wish i had three of those type of players. I have a great idea - you should go tell the KELLY AND WESTBROOK KID that they are just big and have no skill and see what kind of response you would get from them. . I can talk about a couple other players that are big and have hard shots. Did Jonthan Cruz and his brother have any skill? They were big guys too. Both of them played for me as well.
  9. hahahah where there is old age there is experience
  10. i have not got to watch central play this year and i really want too. I know they have some really great talent on offense knowing some of them, but I have not heard to much about their Defense or goalie. . . Lumberton is good all the way around the board. When we played them they were good, but it seems like they have become extremely strong. I think it will be a close one . 2-1 on either side. . .I really wish i was going to be in town for this one . . . Good luck to both teams its going to be a battle. . . And remember the Refs are people toooo - I have to tell myself that a lot
  11. I am not trying to BRAG on my players - I think Donnie Corona #15 has a insane Canon. I have coached a lot of guys and have not seen many that can come across with their left foot like he can. He can really rip on the Net . . . have not seen to many goalies catch them.
  12. Jsmitty straight up FIVE STAR . . . well said your a class act . . .
  13. Thanks everyone that is wishing us good luck . . . we have a very tough one ahead of us this weekend .. . thanks again . . . Kelly's Coach
  14. Man this is a hard one . . . Every Position on the field is very demanding . . . Many players are natural at certian positions. . . I went from an outside mid-fielder to forward in college. . . That was a change . . . I think forwards have a tough position it might not be the hardest to play, but it has some intense pressure when you cannot find the back of the net. Somedays like everything goes in and others seem like the goalie just has your number. That also applys to a lot of other postions as well. Being a forward in college was a tough role for me, but also Keepers have it tough - I know i give my keepers one hell of a time at practice. haha yea strikers can be somewhat Cocky . . . Man when i was a player i was cocky like you would not believe.. . Good Post on this one. .. .
  15. I vouch for william THOUGH .. . he played on my div 1 team one year and he was truely a fun goalie to play in front of. Very talented and had a lot of passion for the game. One of the top to come out that 2000 class.
  16. "Jlamar said he was Kelly coach if he was serious." Yea shark i am the coach Seriously haha. I coached Select for 4 years before I took on Kelly - Arsenal. Thanks Jsmitty for the vouch. Your frist class in my book. I remember the days you came out to the old select practices. What joyful days thoughs where.
  17. when vidor came over to play kelly last year or the year before. "can't remember" They had some young and older players that made some really nice comments after the game. Even over hearing some of them talk - was all positive. I was really impressed with their manners and sportsmenship. Even though we did not get a chance to play them this season. They seem to have carried some of that over to this year. Hats Off to their coach he has done a great Job. The players seem to have repect and play their legs off for him and the school. Thats says a lot. Congrats on all the success so far Vidor.
  18. We have a good chance . . we have to be focused and work hard at practice these next couple of days.
  19. I would take travis in a second baggage and all . In my book he would play his back side off for me. I agree with esoc we did lose to thomas, but every one loses once in a while even if you have all players healthy. Thats why we play sports that desire that you can leave everything on that battle field and in your heart if you do not think you should have lost it means you did not play hard enough. WE DIDNT. . . In all honesty . WE DID NOT LOSE TO THOMAS - WE JUST RAN OUT OF TIME.
  20. Which Refs do the best Job? In my little mind i think Mr. Mudd And Gordon Gilles are fantastic Refs. JUST MY SUGGESTION - - - Don't beat me up to much on that!!!! They really did a great Job last night at the Pius vs Kelly game.
  21. jsmitty you ol man you grad last year you cannot be worring about the team you dont play for. your old now and alumni like me even though i grad in 1959. <----thats wut you were going to say ---- you need to worry bout gettin me a job up there so can come hang wit you in NC..... is the game at home
  22. Agreed with sharkfut . . . names should not be called i am a adult and kids should not be on here disrespecting people. . . Central maybe a good team and stick together, but a mans thoughts can be said. . . THATS WHY THIS IS A FORUM. NOT TO DRAG PEOPLE DOWN BUT JUST SAY THOUGHTS AND SUGGESTIONS. I promise you this if i coached at central everyone one of you would end up quiting. every time i saw someone disrespect a ref, coach, player or an adult you would run. I mean run. . I coached the best select team to ever come out of beaumont and they where made up of guys from all over - they never talked this way. They Respecting others, refs and more important me. They had people state bad things about them all the time and never once lashed out. They should show there talents and skills on the field. They shut everyone up by winning everytime they got to play in a game. This is why - as a coach I do not like playing teams in this area due to all the trash talk that goes along with it. I love this game and respect it very much, but we get in here and run are mouths about people we do not even know we are disrespecting our schools, other people and most importantly the game which i respect and love.
  23. Agreed they did an awesome job. . . . I was at the Game and the defense played Extremely Good as well Dustin M and Travis L . Wonderful JOB BROOK
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