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Roger Korby

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Everything posted by Roger Korby

  1. Any early candidates?  Short time span to get the show ready for a newcomer.
  2. Thanks for the point about Coach Rabb, and I will confirm that.  He didn't want the job.  On a surface level, it does seem that more experienced candidates should have been hired.  But again, that is the surface level. Those involved in the hiring process obviously went under the surface and found the person that fits in best with the overall situation at Kelly. To say the folks at Kelly could care less about the football program, that's being ignorant.  To say Coach Hartsfield is in no way, shape, or form ready for the varsity level, we shall see.  He is very well in tuned with the situation at Kelly and their athletes, that's for sure.  As for "French" and his remark about being in the "click", another ignorant statement.  I would guess that those who are legitimate "click" folks at Kelly may be among those disappointed with not taking a more experienced candidate. Obviously, this decision went to another level that many did not consider.  Time will tell on this one.  Good luck, Coach Hartsfield.
  3. That is correct and official.  Clint Hartsfield is the new head coach and AD at Kelly High School.
  4. No one is upset with Coach Long for leaving because he is such a fine person.  That said, to say it has been common knowledge among the Kelly community for months that he would be leaving is a stretch.  Only fairly recently did he know that he would be able to have an opportunity to be nearer to his apents.
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