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Everything posted by SportsPhotographer

  1. Going back out there this morning will see if they are gone. I wll try to post some pics I got on the first day, if someone can tell me how you do that.
  2. That's sad about the coach passing. I know my lens couldn't take it the first day. It stopped working halfway thru the second practice. I have been taking pictures for years and I have never seen that happen. I took it home and put it in front of a fan, it works fine now, but it didn't like the heat.
  3. Looking at the pictures I took out there for the paper they had on some sort of thigh pads. Looks like it was part of the under armor stuff they had on. They didn't have anything like shoulder pads or anything but you can clearly see that. Looks like just an honest mistake, but a mistake just the same. It would be sad if the season is lost as someone suggested over something minor like this.
  4. [color=maroon][/color] I think Coach Morgan is going to be a good one, he has brought a new energy to the Bulldogs. But time will tell. I think Jasper will be just fine this year.
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