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Posts posted by HowdyMan

  1. [quote] Two or three were skilled, mostly athletic this year but can run all day. And I do see your point about cross-country. My point is that all players are not created the same. Some don't need cross country. [/quote]

    I have personally seen the "cross country" workout done and it builds team unity like no other.  So when you say some don't need "cross country"...maybe not, but the TEAM does!  This is a time where they will say, we've been through hell from August-October, this game is easy compared to that!
  2. Dove...

    They will not be running 30 minutes which develops slow twitch muscle fibers, which we all know doesn't develop basketball players.  They will be doing plyos, sprints, dots, cones, etc which develops the fast twitch muscle fibers.  The player will be put through a 30-45 minute workout followed by open gym for shooting. 

    Doing this allows the full athletic period to be used for basketball skill work such as:

    Monday-Individual Offensive Development
    Tuesday- Team Offensive Development
    Wednesday- Individual Defensive Development
    Thursday- Team Defensive Development
    Friday- Scrimmage

    If the players choose not to do the "Cross Country" workout then the period will have to be sacrificed for weights/conditioning.  Like someone said earlier....the coach can not work with players at all after school before or after basketball season.  This is the best way for the coach to work on basketball skill work while getting in weights/plyos.
  3. Bluedove...

    Lets say the new coach came in and was able to persuade the AD to allow him to work the kids out in a different way.  That different way is this...

    Basketball players who do not play football will be strongly encouraged to run cross country.  They will use the after school cross country workouts to lift on Monday/Wednesday/Friday and do plyos and conditioning on Tuesday/Thursday. The players will be required to run in some of the cross country meets in order not to go agains UIL rules. This would allow the full athletic period to be used for basketball skill and fundamental development.

    As a parent, do you think this would be supported by the basketball players and parents of the players? 
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