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Everything posted by sports_mom

  1. both teams are good, but i am going to go with Kountze on this one....
  2. If HD plays hard I think they can pull this off so I will say HD by 2....
  3. I would like to say Oilers you have done an awesome job this year, for some of you this is your last year to play on a high school court but from pee wee to now you have done awesome. Some of you may not realize this but this is basically the same team that went to Levelland and lost in triple overtime by 1 pt.... you guys were awesome way back when and still got it going.... keep up the good work... and take it one game at a time....As a proud parent and fan.....GREAT JOB GUYS....
  4. Way to Go Oilers........we are so proud of you guys and our coaching staff... keep doing what you do best..... winning.....
  5. With a record of 24-1 my votes goes to Coach Kent Fuller of West Hardin
  6. good job HD .......take the win against BS......you can do it....
  7. Good Job Oilers.....You were awesome...... glad I made it in the gym in time to see the game.. they were locking doors and not allowing anymore in.....no one wanted to lose their spot, standing or sitting....I have never seen it so packed.....keep up the awesome work.....this is your year for records......
  8. I am going for my boys WH with a slight edge, BS is a good team but with everyone healthy I know WH can pull this one off. Maybe Letsinger will make another awesome shot.. This is one game I think I will get there early for... GO OILERS....
  9. I agree if it is a clean fair called game this is going to be a close one..... Rivals for years but I am going with my boys WH over HD by at least 15... good luck guys and play hard...... it will be noisy tonight at WH... GO OILERS
  10. I say WH will win by not by much, officials there dont seem to like WH, everytime the guys play there they have to battle the refs, but WH plays their game and will take the win...... GO OILERS
  11. Good Job Oilers....Your fans are very proud of you......Way To Go....Keep up the good team work....
  12. Well Mr. Reality I am a mom of an oiler and YES I personally seen and heard with my own ears and eyes one of daisettas players parents telling the ref he should call this certain thing and I seen the ref shake his head yes to it and then call that call and when he came to our side i told him quit listen to the players parents and call fair 2 times I seen this father tell the ref to make certain calls so no it was not a lie I seen it with my own eyes. but this is a site about opinions and each have their own, I will not get in a arguement with you because of an opinion I have, we have a right to our own opinions and I stated mine.
  13. Mr. Reality, For your info NO I am not a kid, I am a proud oiler fan and parent and I am just giving a prediction I know my boys can do... talk about Reality dont think Daisetta will be so high up with Big Sandy.... H-D can play but if #33 gets the fouls called on him like he should with being over the back then H-D will not have as many points as you say
  14. I think Big Sandy by 20 or 25 unless the refs are bad, and the parents doesnt controll the refs... Although I havent seen BS play I hear they are good and I was at the WH/ HD game and did see one of the players parents telling the ref how to call and the ref did .... until it was noticed by some of the oiler fans...so my vote goes to BS
  15. Good Job Oilers...... way to go Brandon cant wait to see you on ESPN.... about time some small school kids get recognition for great things accomplished.. Keep up the Good work Oilers your fans stand behind you all the way..
  16. What about Zach Simmons from West Hardin he was named District MVP by a unanimous vote for 24-1A that kids was very good and had great moves
  17. 24-1A Unanimous Votes District MVPZach Simmons - Sr. West Hardin (RB/DB) First Team Offense Brandon Letsinger - Sr. West Hardin (QB) (unanimous) Zach Simmons- Sr. West Hardin (RB) Ethan Tubbs- Jr. West Hardin (RB) Jared Tomlinson- Sr. West Hardin (WR) Matthew Hashaw - Jr. West Hardin (TE) Austin Laird- Jr. West Hardin (OT) Wylie Ener- Sr. West Hardin (OG) Jared Tomlinson- Sr. West Hardin (K) First Team Defense Wylie Ener B.J. Meche Jerid Bordes Patrick Kelly Zach Simmons Jared Tomlinson Brandon Letsinger Ethan Tubbs not to mention the Second Team Offense and Defense Awards given to WH Great Year Oilers very proud of all of you guys your hard work paid off
  18. Well I know Letsinger and Copeland are awesome players but I give my props to the whole team because without TEAM WORK there would not be a team, and it takes more than 2 players to get the ball down court and make points... As far as Simmons he has out scored copeland in a few games, everyone one has good games and bad games just keep it real... it takes team work to win a game not 2 kids... by the way Brandon heard about the shot....... WAY TO GO
  19. I have to agree with Mr. Reality.......... West Hardin has the best fan support when WH played Daisetta the visitor side was packed like sardines and even spilled over to the home side...WH has always had great fan support. But more so this year than years past in my opinion
  20. How about Zach Simmons from West Hardin, he has been a Varsity Running back since he was a Freshman, dont know his stats but was at a home game of theirs a few weeks ago and talk about the crowd support that player has it.
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