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  1. The 1st game was played in 2003, at Stallworth Stadium.  Jim Creech, Dulles Head Coach, was the coach of the 1st game won by Texas on a field goal as time expired.  We started the game to take the place of the Texas-California game that ended after Texas won its' first game in the series.  California started a game with Florida, we started one with Louisiana.  The Greater Houston Football Coaches Association is the benefactor of the game with the President of the association serving as the Head Coach.  In the beginning, a coach had to belong to the association in order to nominate a player.  We started taking players from the state on a need basis.  If we could not fill positions with players from the Greater Houston Area, we looked elsewhere in the state for the best available player at the position needed.  It is becoming more difficult to get players for the game because colleges want them in summer school.  However, the colleges, when possible, have been very helpful in allowing players to participate.  Coaches need to nominate players and send film to the selection committee in order for a player to be selected.  Coaches on the selection committee will also contact coaches requesting film if they know of a particular player that would be a good addition to the squad.  Once a player is selected, the necessary paperwork must then be completed for one to participate (go to the GHFCA website to see the paperwork required).     
  2. I have not read anything from PanamaMeyers in a few years and I miss that.  I have always wondered who you were and would actually like to meet you one day and talk about Baytown Athletics.  I know you can win in Baytown, no doubt.  As you suggested, the district should have put REL/RSS together.  In fact, if you remember, the district put together a committee made up of community members and assigned them the task of studying the feasiblity of putting the two schools together - 9/10 campus, 11/12 campus, with Mike Shields serving as the committee chair.  The recommendation was to put the schools together because it was best for Baytown.  However, the board, tabled the recommendation and began to develop plans to build a third school, something Dr. Albus told the committee was not an option.  Dr. Albus, after telling the committee a 3rd high school was not an option, stayed on the board, helped them pass the bond to build the 3rd high school, then resigned his position on the board shortly after the bond passed.  
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