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Everything posted by AJbadass

  1. Just wanted to say that maybe people should actually attend a game before they judge.
  2. Heard a rumor Coach Jacks was offered a job in Dallas area. Thoughts?
  3. @ LR2014, this has nothing to do with this thread, but okay maye you will have returners so does everyone else and while they are working so is everyone else. Let's just let next season be next season and we will all see what the outcome will be.
  4. I'd just like to point out to the people who say Dayton was better "coached" than Vidor, look at how the program has turned around and how the Vidor coach is so into the game, I'm not saying the Dayton coach isn't a good coach because she obviously is. Let's just think before we say things about other coaches because I'm sure a lot of you are coaches and there is no right way with coaching, everyone has their own way to coach their team and it's no one persons place to say whether it's right or wrong. The term "out coached" just shouldn't be used. Anyway congrats Dayton it was a good game, I enjoyed it!
  5. Coach Jacks didn't get a tech his assistant did for getting up off the bench and clapping, only one coach is allowed up. It was a dumb call though. The game shouldn't necessarily be judged by the final score it was within single digits most of the game an Vidor got ahead a few times, basically the problem is depth on the bench, Dayton simply had more depth and the Vidor girls got tired there in the fourth.
  6. Well they created an image that works for them, not many people have that range.
  7. Vidor is 27-8. I don't understand why people dog on people with an outside game it's part of it that's why there's a 3 point line. I expect it to be a good game as long as both teams show up. If you don't have much option for an inside game then you have to do what you have to do. Let's also just think that each coach has their way to do things and it's no one else's place to correct them, you can't say much against a coach who has turned a program around like coach Jacks has.
  8. FROM WHAT I WAS TOLD, THE COACHES VOTED FOR THESE HONORS. IN MY OPINION, BOOKER/HARRIS MVP, OFFENSIVE - BOOKER/HARRIS, DEFENSIVE - THOMAS.  AT LEAST AUSTIN SAW THE TALENT!!! THIS LIST IS BAFFLING ???  WHAT EVERYONE ELSE SAW... ??? [/quote] Coaches vote for all district picks all the time every year in every district...thats how it is done...district picks are what the coaches think about the players they have and played against...also a coach cant vote for their own player therefore it has to be the other schools coaches voting for that player!
  9. On the contrary to what many may believe Coach Jacks is not moving from Vidor...If he was everyone would know by now...he would not be hosting a spring league or having summer camps or starting an aau team...this is a very illogical rumor that someone with too much time and no life started just to get drama in their lives. He is returning to Vidor ISD and will continue to develop their girls basketball program with his two daughters. The source of this rumor is non-reliable. Just because someone has moved many times in the past does not mean they will continue to do the same...Coach Jacks has finally found a school that appreciates him and his coaching styles and a group of athletes that do the same.
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