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Posts posted by BigWolf10

  1. 2 hours ago, 82 5A State Champs said:

    I dont know. Nothing ever showed up in my inbox, so I still dont have an answer to my question.

    Brook need everyone on the same page today. Every man avalible regardless, should suit up and go. F that disciplinary BS. Let em go today. These kids gave their blood and sweat to get to this point. Reward em. Coaches, do your part. Allow them (the players) the chance to compete. Put them in positions to be successful. Now, if they don't take advantage, these WB fans will be happy.

    all I'm saying is, don't lose this game in the side line. Be at your best Coaches. Westlake is gonna throw everything at you. You are gonna be facing these coaches. Their kids are just gonna be carrying out their duties. You have to out think Todd and his crew. It's gonna be a chess match.

    i have know doubt The Bruins have enough talent to hang wit Westlake. But it's gonna take the entire staff 4real. Mange this game, he'll over achieve. Adjustment have to be swift. Openings have to be taken advantage of quickly. You have to be aware of those dudes across the field. This game's personal. He's a golden triangle ex. He's gonna try an out wit you.

     Good luck to the Bruins. I'm gonna be in the stands rooting loudly for those Bruins. Make Beaumont proud. Whip that arse!!!!!!!!!!! Go Brook

  2. 10 hours ago, Kowboy98 said:

    Who is the DC? 

    Is the problem the d line or play calling?

    It baffled me how Tompkins constantly ran to the same side probably 35 or 40 times and got positive yards every time 

    Yea, second week in a row. Evidently they're scouting da Brooks line. They need to tighten up and help this offense. Brook average 50 plus a game. With these athletes, they'll break 50 again. Enough to beat a lot of teams. But, c'mon D please!!

  3. 11 hours ago, 82 5A State Champs said:

    Calpreps has it West Brook 41 Cy Creek 26. And yes, for Gods sake, our defense has to show up, and play. Also, at this level, we simply cannot afford to spot a team 21 points, and expect to come back and win. That foolishness has to stop. The coaches have got to do a better job of preparing those kids to do battle. Cy Creek will bring the house, and they will be ready. I dont care that their record is 8-5. They didnt get here by accident. We need to make them adjust to us, not vice versa. 

    Yea the adjustments are taking too long. Adjusting after three scores? They get torch on running plays to start. Was exactly the same as the Jersuits game. I was stunned. But, I never doubted these kids would come back. But you can't keep putting them in this position.

     Why does WB ST prefer that short kick on kick offs? Continuously giving opponents short field? Puzzling to me.

     82, they almost got that 50 spot though, lol

  4. Da Brook!!!!!!! Mam, these kids are something else. They are a resilient bunch. Down 21, I never thought they were out of this game. I kept telling my girl, they did this Lat week. She kept saying, " I can't watch no more!" She was sorry shed came. 

    Then, she saw hope. She was screaming with all the other Beaumont fans. She couldn't believe these kids were actually back in the game. This team is special. I'm glad I've had the chance to witness this. I love the way they keep coming at their opponents. So real.

     Tompkins was faced with a similar situation that WB was in last week. Clock management got to them. They needEd  that time out. Why did they stop passing the ball was beyond me. But, it was good for Brook and I was satisfied. I actually saw Brook coach working the refs at the end. That was refreshing.

     Let's keep it going this week. Let's finish with the Championship.   Go Bruins

    This was a whole team effort, beautiful to see.

  5. 3 hours ago, zeroturn said:

    Fans Can be so critical of coaches like they don't ever have a bad game every lost seems it's on the staff .

    Last nights game, the Coaching was fine. I was confused by their clock management. Jesuits had used its last timeout. WestBrook was in the redzone, 1st down chance to get first down at one. Clock gets down under 2mins. Run the ball, let clock run, set your offense run play with a few seconds on play clock. When he called the timeout, I was like why? He literally gave Jersuits 30 seconds.

    Anyway, I hope he notices that phase and work on it. A luck strike, and successful on side kick gives your opponent a chance to beat you. It can happen, I've witnessed it too many times. You have to control that phase of the game if you're the coach. No excuse for that.

    Brook won, no foul, on to the next one.

  6. 12 minutes ago, BMTSoulja1 said:

    I'm so glad Brook pulled it out and I'm glad Elia is back to himself from the last 2 years...

    And 82, I told you they'd win the second meeting.  But Bro, you're too crucial on the coaching.  Peevey and his staff are pretty darn good.  Trust them and this is what happens.  They're a lot better team now than when you seen the early in the season.  This Brook team has a SERIOUS chance of making it out of the region this year.  Watch and see...

    Other than that last 2mins, they (the coaches) did great. They adjusted well to what Jersuits was doing at first. They backed their linebackers back to support the run. Nice adjustment. Man, Brook QB is rediculously good. How the hell do he hold that ball so long and throw a dime? He’s incredibly talented. It was my first time seeing this kid. He’s got that IT factor. This team does too.   Go Brook!!!!

  7. 11 hours ago, 82 5A State Champs said:

    Athletic ability, dude. Wasn't the cosching

    82, you are absolutely right. Bad clock management at the end gave Jersuit a chance they should not have had. They had no timeouts. Why did WB call timeout? Wow!!!!!! Torrible!!!!

     Other than that, #9 is a beast of a QB. He shreaded Strake Jersuits, with his legs and arm. WB, you all have a fighter here. I mean the whole team. Easily they could’ve laid it down early. You couldn’t have told me y’all were coming back, and it was still the first qt. I immediately thought y’all were our matches. Boy, was I wrong.

     Players of the game, #9, #3, #12. They helped you pull this out. But as a team, it was beautiful to watch. The kids left it on the field. You should be proud of this group.

     Now as for the Coach, guy, you have to know clock management is a key to finishing a hard fought game. He gets a F for his 2 minute clock management. JMO #9 Belled him out

  8. 22 hours ago, BMTSoulja1 said:

    I thought United would lose but would compete better.  I have a lot of things I could say here, but it'll come off as straight disrespect for United and I want to rally behind the kids. 

    Moving forward, however they do it, bit, scaratch, kick, ect, we need to beat everyone else not named North Shore and make the playoffs.  That's very doable...  

    I'm still in utter disbelief that we only managed 100 total yards of offense.  Unbelievable...  

    Soulja, you are inline with my thoughts exactly. I stopped posting bc I was coming off this way and I just couldn't help it. We looked like a talentless group of kids. I know there's talent out there. The coaching is the problem, putting the right kids on the field is the problem. The first game I attended, I saw the Oline wife on damn near all their blocks. So, I guest it hasn't been addressed. I wonder why not. Sad for BISD to keep giving these kids scraps for coaches. 

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