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east texas bb

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Posts posted by east texas bb

  1. Everyone is forgotten eventually.  The Bible tells us this life is like a mist or vapor that comes and goes quickly. The importance of worth or value is different for each individual, most if not all of the coaches you listed (and overwhelmingly the majority of coaches) would more than likely tell you if asked, that they could care less if someone remembered them 20-30 years later, they would be concerned with what they did in each of their players lives to make them better players and better people, and how their famlies and their God views them. 
    I go back to John Wooden and his book, "THEY CALL ME COACH", he was talking about one of his former coaches, Alonzo Stagg I believe, and people would ask coach Stagg if the team he was coaching that year was the best team he had ever coached, and he would reply, "I dont know, get back with me in 20 years and I can tell you".
    We must also remember that we are viewed on many different levels, from lay people, to fans, to people who think they know the game but really dont, people who DO know the game, to our players, to other coaches, to our family, and ourselves, and to God.  I would rather be viewed highly by God, my family, players, and fellow coaches. JMO
  2. I think Perkins was skilled and athletic, and that is why as a freshman, most thought he would be in the NBA.  I played against Steven Jackson growing up throughout the entire summer, cant tell you how many games I played against him, Steven was more on the athletic side but still had a few skills.  IMO, Perkins did not improve a great deal from his freshman to senior year.  I dont know who helped these players develop their skills or if they learned by watching.  I am sure Coach Boutte is a fine coach, I too am not trying in anyway to diminish his accomplishments.
  3. Badsanta, I agree with all of your statement, except that it isnt as pretty.  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  I like to watch basketball played in different ways, but to watch a team execute with precision is a more pure form to me. 
    I agree with nash and AAW that the term "talent" gets mistaken too often with only meaning running fast, jumping high, and being physically strong.  There is so much more to athleticism than those.  When you find a player like MJ that combines them, then it is a thing of beauty.
  4. Very True Blue.
    I just dont think most people realize the difficulty or the difference in building a basketball program to inheriting one.
    To influence a community and school to do something they have never done before is huge, gaining all of the support and effort from the town, teaching kids how to play at a young age and knowing that will be your future is a huge statement and committment.  Going from consistently losing to consistently winning is a culture change to the entire community/school, and one that only a few get a chance to do and even less get to be around to see the results.
  5. I just remember Ozen coming on to the basketball scene when they were a very young ISD, 1st or 2nd year, and they had a freshman (Perkins) who at the time everyone allready knew had a very good chance at playing professionally with another 6'7" with some guards that were good.  I dont see how player development can be contributed to anyone when a school has only been in existence for a year or two.  Is that saying Boutte is a good or bad coach, no, not at all, it is situation where someone was in the right place at the right time.
    As far as Ozen having more talent than Nederland this year, they may have more athletic ability, but the recent record would reflect differently.
  6. I agree, the Lufkin paper probably does not have the resources that Tyler had, and I dont have a problem with them covering football at all, I enjoy the football articles and want to know what is happening on friday nights....I would just like to see more basketball articles. 
  7. That is a very good question?  Most but not all of your 3A teams that are successful are also successful in football, so generally they start the season without some players and incur losses before they become full strength.
    Did South Lake Carroll in 95', when they were 3A go undeafeated?  I know they won state in football, basketball, and baseball that year, but unsure if they were undefeated.
    Dallas Madison?
  8. I just like to see a team make layups on a consistent basis.  I really didnt see the importance Bobby Knight meant when he said, "All a HS team needs to do to be successful is not turn the ball over and make their layups".  That is paraphrased.  But in seriousness, count how many layups and FT's your team misses and the point differential in the games. 
  9. I think we will see in the future the more and more how much harm the Internet, and message boards can do to a person.  I like and appreciate as much as anyone this board and others, and the information that it gives, but this message board and others I would say are almost as powerful as a newspaper or the local TV news if not more. There is not as much accountability on message boards or blogs, and most people do not understand that when they post something.  The perception and the reality are two complete seperate things. 
    I myself, just like others in the past have written something that either I shouldnt have or that was interpreted wrong by others that had a negative appearance.
    The coaching fraternaty is a tight one.  I dont know coach Jouburt, but my first instinct is to defend him.
    I dont know that the article should have been posted or not (that is not my call), but I can see how someone that does not understand (that is not familiar with the UIL and coaching in general) could see this article and equate it to something scandalous, when it was an just an ejection.
    And let me say, that it does not take much to get a coach ejected in todays game.  The official has all the control and very little of the accountability.
  10. Huntington is in the drivers seat IMO.  I honestly look for them to win district, and even if they fall short, I say they get a playoff spot.  Either will be a great accomplishment for Huntington, and something that Huntignton needs badly.  I hope they can build on this for the furture.
    For too long, they have been the doormat of the district, and have more State Championships than any other school among the district.  It is time to get back in the hunt.
    I see alot of changes around the school over the passed 15 years.  At one time, football was the only focus and other sports didnt get much attention from the coaches.  The Athletic department is giving all sports the opportunity to be successful now, which when I talk to coaches, they will all say is the sign of a great AD).  I am glad to see it, it is the sign of good administration and good athletic coaches and directors.
    Keep it up Huntington, and finish strong.
  11. As I have seen, the Beaumont paper does a very good job of covering sports and basketball included.  The lufkin daily news is one of the worst I have ever seen.  They cover FOOTBAll, of course, and other teams in the area that they feel warrant coverage.  The best Newspaper for sports at the high school level I have ever known was the Tyler Morning telegraph.  They would have articles about traditions and programs.  Just like I went to Troup HS and they had tradition, every year the paper came to school before season and would interview coach and players and town people, it would be a huge article in the paper.  They did a great job the entire year.  To show you two sides.
    The Lufkin paper, will have a small area that with about 100 words or less(no pictures, quotes from coaches or players, save Lufkin at times and maybe once a year a picture on the schools other than Lufkin), listing all of the scores from the night before on a heading very small to the bottom or side saying AREA SCORES, giving each team about 100 words.  All together, you have HS area ball in about 500-1000 words.
    The Tyler Paper, dedicated 500-1000 words to most teams that were having a successful season.  This included a picture and quotes.  All Big Schools in the area were covered very well and some small schools.  On the second page, they basically had what the Lufkin paper had, all scores from the previous night just in a smaller format.
    I dont know if this was resources of what, but there was a very noticable difference.  They closest place after I graduated to get a Tyler paper was a 25 minute drive, and I would drive everyday to get a paper.
    Just a Thought, but you have Lufkin (5A), and about 4 (3A's around Lufkin with some other smaller schools.  This year, Huntington got a new coach and last years Huntington coach took the position at Central, which is another school in the LUfkin area.  It would have been very nice to see about 500-1000 words, (half-Page) of these programs and coaches(with pictures) moving to their new schools.  With some quotes from the coaches and the players. 
    There is no telling how many articles I have from my playing days, and these players/coaches will never get that opportunity to have that. 
  12. In all honesty, and not trying to be offensive, but who really cares what your karma is?  I never even look at mine.
    To quote John Wooden, "'Be more concerned with your character than with your reputation, Because your characater is what you REALLY are, While your reputation is merely what others THINK you are"
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