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Posts posted by Bigdog

  1. I am not intending this as a bash against any of those teams. WOS' record is very impressive, I am not contesting that. I'm just pointing out that because these are averages that are posted, that the teams with less games total have an advantage because it takes less wins to acheive a higher average. I was suggesting do averages for 500 games and above played for example or 500 games and under.

  2. The first thing bignedfan, before you pop off, you should read my post. I didn't say that if was Green's fault, I put the fault on the AD. And your comment about the kids at Ned and PNG coaching themselves, isn't that a shot at the Vidor kids? I know coach Robbins, he has a lot of experience having played for Ned and in college. He is a very good coach and it shows. I know Coach Green is from Ned but I don't know him personally. The things he has to put up with at Vidor fall on the AD. That is where I'm suggesting a change and maybe all the athletics will turn around. They are not right now. Finally, you will not make personal attacks on people on this board.

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