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Everything posted by rykerx144

  1. And thats just what your seeing online. We are in a bad place right now.
  2. Yes she denied it last year when Hazelwood investigated it. It came back up the day of the incident and shs then admitted to it
  3. It was brought back up because the former secretary involved brought it back up during a seperate issue that had nothing to do with another incident with reeves
  4. I have a huge problem with him lying in his statment. No i do not think he was involved in the shooting. I do have a problem also with the way it was handled. I can promise you he did not have Mr Reeves reputation in mind when he lied. He knew it was handled wrong.
  5. No not the end of the story and not true it was not his secobd time to get caught this issue involed the same lady and same occurrence last year. His wife knew about the incident so maybe you shouldnt jump to conclisions
  6. The affair happened last year and the family knew about it. I can tell you most locals even knew about it and the anwers people around hete are wanting answered are more along the lines... how did they let a person so upset he was shaking..they knew threatend suicide leave..then he came back asking for help telling them he was in a bad way! And did nothimg!
  7. Im afraid this is just the start.
  8. One graduated last friday and one is going into his senior year.
  9. Agree. Mike you came up in a conversation i was having with him not long ago. He spoke highly of you and said he aporeciated you and had alot of respect for you
  10. yes no doubt its self inflicted. Some articles seem to have a few differences in facts but theres no doubt about that.
  11. They just discussed closing of school and all staff off till next week. Also discussef Reg 5 bringing in counselors for support.
  12. Please pray every prayer you can fir Kirbyville you can right now. Ill update when I can.
  13. Is China Springs good at basketball ? Lol sory couldnt resist
  14. Thank you Rake1 for the post. Could not agree more.
  15. Yes sorry i corrected. I was typing that and playing on beach so alot of distractions lol
  16. Game 1 thurs 6pm Game 2 Sat 1pm All games at Muford HS Bryan Tx
  17. Thank you Todd for commitment and hard work keeping us informed
  18. Yes sorry. As far as BB goes i think Bennett is staying
  19. Ive been asking about this awesome resume ive been hearing about.
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