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Everything posted by Pirates88

  1. Finished up with a win against the Impact (16U) 7-1 and also against the Tx. Peppers (16U) 2-1. And thanks Papa Smurf. See everyone at the Stars Over Texas.
  2. I hope everyone is doing O.K. We ( Hit Away ) are playing in this rr along with Billy M.'s O.O.C. We had three games yesterday and two more today. Not sure how O.O.C are faring. So far we have beat: The Tazers (16U) 5-0 Demolition (18U) 5-3 Southern Stars (18U) 5-3
  3. OK he's talking about me. 1st of all there was no circle, it had long faded away. Papa Smurf was correct however...F1 was closer than eight' to the mound which I did not realize...she was walking toward the mound. My furstration was not with his call but with my player not paying attention. The comment " I am the closest one to 2nd, no one there to take the throw" was not directed toward him but toward my beautifull wife that felt it was neccesary to correct my coaching. We won that game 9 - 3. ;D
  4. How many hours..we only got in two hours today....but it was a good workout. The fields WERE in great shape and no more rain through the day made the work and field prep well worth it. Great work outs! ;D (always try to dodge loaded questions) No loaded questions...just curious as to how many hours you guys were able to practice this past weekend. ;D
  5. How many hours..we only got in two hours today....but it was a good workout.
  6. Tri City Heat will not play. Had one pitcher get sick today and a third baseman break her toe while 4 where already away at camps. Left me with 7 girls. Sorry U.S.Open for the inconvience.
  7. There are a lot of coaches that have their personal funds tied up into this tournament. That along with trying to pickup players for player shortages means we , the teams, need some answers today. If we are paying $200 to play, $30 for umpires, and $10 at the gate I would expect water in the dugouts, field crews, and happy well qualified umpires. Upsetting the umpires is my job on the field.Just kidding. If this tournament is not going to happen we need to know today so we can get our money back.
  8. Tri City Heat ( Werner ) - 16/18 NAFA Name HR School Class Playing Age Bekah Flores 7 Lumberton 8th 15
  9. Have we contacted any hotels for group rates? I have a family coming in.
  10. Sorry to hear you were so offended MB. However, with my last 6 tournaments being played in Houston I can assure you that even though some of the comments you just sited were wrong they are not specific to SET. I myself heard some of those same comments in Cypress, Sugarland and elsewhere. In 8 years I've heard just about everything in all areas of Texas and Louisiana including someone like yourself speaking so condecending about one area. I guess the real question is " How did your team do this weekend". Maybe that's the root of your bitterness.
  11. You keep talking like that and they'll revoke your Pitcher's Dad's Club membership. Thanks for the advice BHBLUE....sometimes the line between arroggant coach and crazed pitching dad in the stands gets blurred ;D ;D ;D Don't want to lose my membership.
  12. It's a way for them to fill better about themselves because their team can't get it done on the field, whoever it is. Oh! and I thought this karma thing worked kinda like golf.....the lower your score the better of you were.
  13. You also have to remember that we all have had parents in the stands wanting to do the same thing to select coaches too. If you coach you will always be second guessed because hind sight is always 20-20 and some always think that they could do a better job but never seem to have the time to be there. Wether HS or Select at some point you have to hand your kid off to some else and hope they do a good job and live with it. If the results are not what you want, go to work your kid and change it. You control your own destiny, just do it. Very true Trout, I do coach and have no doubt I am second guessed and have on occasion thought to myself how stupid a move I made. Coaching is a little like umpiring in that its much easier to do from the stands whether your talking about H.S. or select.
  14. How many of us select ball dads have set in the stands during high school ball and wanted to strangle our high school coach.( figuratively of course) Now thats a question alot of us have wanted to ask. ;D ;D ;D lots of love and respect to mine. Good job of bringing our girls back;D ;D ;D
  15. WOW!!!! This little rivalry just keeps getting better!!!
  16. Great job guys , You guys fought hard the whole season. Hope you guys go far in the playoffs
  17. Got alot of friends on both teams so good luck to both teams. It seems BC has the stronger team and should win. If WOS pulls it out it would be 1 - 0, but most likely BC takes it 8 - 1. Get'em Bec.
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