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Everything posted by DflylikEANeagleO

  1. Bobcat, I did watch the 10:00pm news last night and what I heard was basically a retraction.  I did not see news at 6:00pm, but it is obvious to me that they broke a "rumor" that was brought to their attention by an anonymous person.  Why would a newstation put their "good" name on a letter that some coward wrote and didn't have the guts to put his or her name on?  Great post by madness... Talk about irresponsible journalism.  
  2. I heard this anonymous letter was sent to multiple media outlets.  If thats the case, then why was KFDM the only one to report on the story?  Is it because the other stations make a habit not to break stories regarding information sent by an anonymous person without first doing there own investigation as to whether or not that information is indeed factual?
  3. I sure hope KFDM doesn't continue to speak on something that they haven't confirmed.  Sounds to me that anyone who speaks on a libelous letter is committing slander.  Perhaps I am the one thats misinformed?... Aren't they speaking on a letter that was sent to them anonymously?  Has this information been confirmed?
  4. I agree with AIKFAN.  You would think a reputable news station like KFDM would gather facts before breaking a story like this.  Why would a news station report "hearsay" from a letter that was sent to them anonymously?  I know if I was a reporter I would not put my good name on the line for something that is not confirmed as factual information.  What keeps anyone from sending letters like this out to every other school in the district?
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