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Posts posted by SabineRavine

  1. [quote name="UNLV" post="989269" timestamp="1301327509"]he is a great X and O guy[/quote]

    Any college basketball coaching staff member in America will be called "a great x's an o's guy" if you ask the right people.  IT'S THEIR JOB. Maturity?  Well, even hardened criminals seem to find remorse when it comes time for parole eligibility.  If anything, Abatemarco is the "safe" hire given his prior time at LU.  The risky hire comes from thinking outside box such as selecting from coaches who have proven they can win consistently with fewer resources.  Evans and Cross move up in my book.  Oh well; I guess I'm not a "forward thinker".

    70-121.  'Nuff said.  Move along . . .   
  2. Nope North, sorry if it seems that way.  My posts are solely directed at UNLV in response to his deriding everyone who doesn't back his unfounded claims.  Actually I post on here quite a bit under another name.  LU '93, now running a small business in Houston.

    I just created this username because I grew tired of UNLV always coming off as knowing it all while only providing a "because I said so" justification.  When he starts backing up his claims, I'll back off.  
  3. [quote name="UNLV" post="971834" timestamp="1298593828"]
    Lamar is on track for tier 1. [/quote]

    Once again you make a blank statement without any type of evidence.  Kind of shows you know nothing about nothing.  Go ahead and list where LU is at in terms of research funding, type and number of advanced degrees offered, endowment, etc.  Lets see just how "on track" LU is . . .

    When you can provide some actual evidence maybe a person or two will actually take you seriously.  But I guess since LU has research funding, confers degrees, and has an endowment fund, they're "on track" in your mind.  
  4. [quote name="UNLV" post="964544" timestamp="1297440875"]
    TSUS board would need to approval a move for LU to go FBS.
    I heard a rumor the TSUS will deny SHSU move to FBS.

    Between posting rumors and your obsession with all things SHSU, one wonders why LU fans post in other forums that no one pays attention to you . . .
  5. [quote name="UNLV" post="949705" timestamp="1295277999"]
    Red, you are wrong

    Once again UNLV you state that someone is wrong rather than stating that you disagree.  So, why don't you provide the evidence that he's wrong.  Go ahead and show the data that indicates how much Lamar would bring in (net, gross), at Reliant versus how much the payout would be from a game played at Austin.  And I hope you don't plan on providing income figures from games other than FCS vs. FBS at a neutral, high-end facility. 
  6. [quote name="UNLV" post="860761" timestamp="1285780014"]If the WAC offer LU a good deal, LU must take it and find the money[/quote]

    Yeah.  Sound like a scenario that happened all too often among lenders and new homebuyers in the mid 2000's.  And we know what happened there.

    I assume you realize that the state is in a $16 billion deficit and will be cutting funding across the board, right?
  7. [quote name="UNLV" post="860605" timestamp="1285768897"]Lamar announced Thursday that it would play future road games against Hawaii in 2012, Oklahoma State in 2013 and Texas A&M in 2014. The school will get payouts of $125,000 from Hawaii, $375,000 from Oklahoma State and $350,000 from A&M and Lamar will also have travel and lodging expenses paid for by Hawaii, head coach Ray Woodard said.
    Teams in the Bowl Subdivision commonly get much larger payouts for guarantee games. Tubbs estimated the payouts for Bowl Subdivision teams to be in the $750,000 range and above. Sun Belt school North Texas will get $975,000 to play a 2013 game at Georgia, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reported. South Alabama, a future football-playing member of the Sun Belt, will get $850,000 for a 2013 game at Tennessee, espn.com reported.[/quote]

    Based on the information you yourself provided it looks to be a smart move to stay FCS for a while. 

    Receive a major guarantee-game payout to ensure football does not starve the athletic budget.  Avoid the travel costs associated with the WAC schedule (what is your calculation for total costs to fly the tennis, soccer, and golf teams to Hawai'i each year?).  Become competitive at FCS football, with the worst conference loss likely not surpassing the score that occurs with the FBS guarantee-game.  Schedule a Webber-International for homecoming, as it will likely be a sellout regardless . . .

    I'm OK with that
  8. Yes, and while we're at it UNLV, let's jump to FBS quickly so we can get away from the caliber of teams that beat us 72-3  ::)

    Why don't you go to the team practice tomorrow and let them know your opinions, since you're so strong about them?  I'm more than certain they would love to hear your input in person.  The speed with which you criticize after a loss shows your true character. 

    And I have to give you the big LOL @ "the Silver Bowl" always being full.  May want to read up on some attendance figures.  Try not to "cherry pick" this time . . .
  9. [quote name="UNLV" post="851088" timestamp="1284907193"]Terror is on several dozen forums trashing Lamar and Woodard, yet this who you defend[/quote]

    This calls for another one: ::)

    Terror is a graduate of a rival school.  What do you expect, his support?  Why not provide some examples where Cardinal fans trash each other [i]yet pal around[/i] with those trashing LU.  According to your overtone this scenario is running rampant. 

    I "defend" TT for two reasons.  1) he continues to bring factual information to the board, such that I feel confident in saying that in the majority of cases he is much better versed in the history of Lamar than you.  2) despite this, you have some strange underlying need to bring him or SHSU into most conversations you involve yourself in. 
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