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  1. if west hardin comes 2 play i say west hardin wins 28-14 but if they play like they did last week then i say WH-16 Evadale-13
  2. i belivehardin will only be able 2 pass the ball on the oilers they can not run on that "D" but they can pass all night long...i think WH will put up a better fight then what hardin thinks tho...but who knows now that the oilers have Coach Atkinson aka. "Coach A" back on the side line he is a smart enough coach to keep things close H-35 WH-28 if oilers can some how shut down hardins pass WH wins BIG (but i don't see that happening)
  3. i'll take liberty by an extra point thats how close this will be i think
  4. these 2 teams always play each other close no matter how good or how bad one another is so its goin 2 be close no matter what but i've seen WH their offence is better the last year but their deffence is a little weaker over all then last but their D-line has improved but its goin to be a close game 21 28 who ever wants it more comes out on top
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