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  1. im a student at lamar and am in the know with some high up people and many have told me that its an almost certainty that we get football...and yes there will be a student referendum in january and recently lamar brought the idea up infront of the staff senate and expected to catch a ton of flack but in fact didn't catch ANY! you can bet when lamar gets football back i will be bringing that PN-G SPIRIT out there! AND NOT FROM THE STANDS!
  2. its not so much flash and glamour as a couple of fire trucks and an enthusiastic announcer
  3. true...remember last year... 14-7 and the score was the only thing that was on our side
  4. old middle school coach would always say... "Now go knock a snot bubble!" "Kiss a FAT HOGG!" a few of you groves people might recognize it... Also couple years back when we were running a trick play and one of the players was supposed to "act" like he came off the field but stayed on and ran a route the coach started yelling for him to get off the field while everyone on the sideline was trying to keep him from giving the play away
  5. being a past football player i have seen some pretty hard hits but one that comes to mind the most wasn't in football at all... at the annual powder puff football game where the senior and junior girls duke it out without pads (very violent) one of the cheerleaders ran head on into a soccer player both at full speed and the cheerleader laid face down for a few minutes then jumped up and ran off the field... come to find out she didn't recall getting up at all and i had to carry her to the car and then they took her to the hospital to treat her for a concussion... just goes to show guys aren't the only ones that can knock a snot bubble!
  6. if you are going strictly by "tradition" and not most titles or anything else of that sort it would definately have to be PN-G...you tell me one other team in the state that remotely compares to PN-G and i would gladly go shake their hand...and then scalp em'
  7. well some people are just jealous that if MC was to merger we would steam roll PAM...and i agree with whoever said that then the rivalry would be MC and PAM. Maybe if PAM knew anything about Honor, Pride, and Tradition...maybe then they would be a powerhouse.
  8. purple and white on a field of green?? best site i have ever seen
  9. that would be awesome! let me know where i can get the design from and i can get some made for the group
  10. o and also personally i am totally opposed to this thread because as others have already said... every team has its down years what was being said back in the 90s when the indians went on a 3 year losing season streak?? was everyone freaking out saying that we need all new coaches and all this other nonsense that is being said? i say put our trust is the guys that make the Indians a TEAM. it is ultimately up to them on the outcome of each game i played football up until recently and its not always the coaches that push the boys to new levels... its the boys amongst themselves pushing each other to gain that extra yard or hold the offense on that crucial 4th down just one opinion not meant to offend anyone
  11. Thanks NewIndian for the introduction ;D Yes, i do plan on bringing back the bleacher creatures and if anyone on this site wishes to join i will open it up to you as well as the pngindians.com forum users to join and help the crowd get going and bring back the true "Indian Pride" all the alumni on this site i would love to see you at the games to give us pointers and ect. look for us to be by the band
  12. the top three i would have to say by population/wins would have to be 1.PN-G 2.Nederland 3.Bridge City personally have went to B.C. games and had a hard time finding standing room muchless a seat...their playoff games are always full for their size also.
  13. Ned 28 LCM 14 leave everything on the field Big Ned!!
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