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Posts posted by understand

  1. I watch Nederland frosh get beat by MLK 8th graders by 40 pts last year without boyd in the MLK tournment but they or good but you guys start talking about 2016 and 2017 class thast like talking about what your kid done in little league man thats funny, lets hope your kids grow and stay healthy oh dont forget CENTRAL has two 6'4'' freshmans that are playing on a rank team now, and they or beating 2013 , 2014 and 2015 right now, man i want them all good also but UNDERSTAND you cant teach size and speed if you talk in truth VINCENT and SMITH has the best 8th graders ODOM with a few(dont let does 6 min quarters of basketball fool you)
    ps guess nederland frosh or going to AUSTIN
  2. all 5 linemens back the oc was the line coach that tells you something , that oc change offense each week and had Robert Mitchell for 4 yrs his wideouts were the top 3 in 20-4a in yards, two tightends back and a 3 year fullback Chris Allen if the next oc is as slow as the last one then they will have the same problems, he did not pass to or use his tightend and fullback in the offense maybe at his next football job he will learn ,that oc had no idea about football . I could take some of you guys off this board and you would have done a better job
  3. Frank is not a certified Texas teacher and leave Louis where he is, he is the reason BISD has the wait one year rule when a kid change schools because the recruiting he did and everyone knows Stump ran his own program. CENTRAL needs a coach that can start, build and run a football program then everything will take care of itself, 7/9 offense and defense returning players put a coach in there not a good old boy, 20-4a CENTRAL is now and tomorrow in football.UNDERSTAND
  4. Coach Wash/Drew is a good guy, but like Coach D had his Tinner, Coach Wash has his Coxs and if he would had made a change on his DC and OC he would still be a head coach ,CENTRAL program has not move forward from the day  Coach Stowers left yes they won that first year with the players Coach Stowers left them with and 14 of does players signed college offers.(like jimmy left barry) But now they or disorganize at practices and at games have you saw the 9th graders or jv the oc had R. Mitchell for 4yrs and i saw him his first through his last nothing improve well we could have several pagers on this but i agree to disagree thats what this site is about i thing the only one with a problem about CENTRAL with a new coach is 20-4a. Oh by the way Coach with still get his check just not as the HC
  5. Let's see where WOS kids go college, and where TB go to college then, before its done. Lets POST TB GRADES and WOS kids grades. So, ok, your kid is better than tony and by the way its enough for all the kids to go to school. There's not just one college maybe if you e-mail WOS kids highlight tapes to the colleges that offer Tony,then the schools he dont pick your kids can go if they pass the entrance exams or sat's or acts
  6. jkbtjc53 most of what you say is true but most all district kids or all district because they are in a little league,jr high and high school system for 6-10 years so they look good in area games also remember EARL and TONY has alot of the same talent speed and grades so if Tony picks the right school we've see, and remember it is better to say these kids or GOOD KIDS before they or GOOD ATHLETES,no one plays long.
  7. T Brown has the 3 things college coaches want, SIZE,SPEED,GRADES the potential is what they get pd to product, it would be nice to see a list of area kids that are playing MAJOR college football, and not just the kids that or some local 1st team all district because they have been playing in the same system for 8-9 yrs in the one high school towns or maybe thats why they dont get the big time offers coaches can see they are only good in there hometown svstems
  8. Pt Arthur and Vidor are good teams they have been in the last two years but lets look before then , and  i love this site its really a good site but some times you guys get upset over little things and UNDERSTAND its enough room for every one to do good, and i'm for most of your teams, some history i do rememeber when BEAUMONT had 16 players in the pros at the same time and if you need to know we only lost 7 games in 10 years and won state in football and won state 3 years in a row in another sport when i played so winning is fun and some of you guys thing youre the only ones that know how but lets give credit where credit is due TITANS can't compare to LA MARQUE nor could lincoln or tj in fotball
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