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Everything posted by ball4

  1. Troutman i was just wondering what was going on at Kelly.  Losing that bad to a 1a school would be very embarrassing  back in the day.  I hope Kelly does well I was just wondering is the talent no good at Kelly anymore to play  big schools or are we not that good anymore. Honestly I cant remember us playing a little school unless it was a scrimmage
  2. As Kelly graduate I am disappointed at the way this program is going, this is not putting the New coach down because he has nothing to do with this.  Years ago Kelly played 3 and 4a schools and beat them with no problem. My question is are the athletes not as good or what is the deal. What is West Sabine a 1a heck they might even be a 6 man for all I know. But why are they losing to these teams just wondering.
  3. Some mid-week games are meant to boost confidence, era's, batting averages and so on and this should've been the team to do it against.  Not looking good for the rest of the season i would say.
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