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  1. Yea Randy was a great coach on the defensive side of football but he aint the baseball coach anymore...we got coach ham as the baseball coach now..i respect coach rose as a teacher and a coach and part of me wishes he was still the coach for baseball but the other part of me is glad we got coach ham this year...i think things are lookin up for us...and i hope we do make it to the playoffs along with my fellow teammate(u_dnt_kno_me) but mostly Burkeville is in the rebuilding state right n ow but in a few years i expect them to be bak in the race in all sports.
  2. Rose is still the coach but we have A LOT!! of changes being made. We will be a more diciplined and we have good talent. Dont underestimate us. Yes Evadale is very good at all sports, but they aint the best by no means. I think the teams in this district will all be better and have better games. But we will see in the upcoming season.
  3. man i know your talkin about #6 for burkeville and i seen him play and i seen you play and in my opinoin no matter how bad huis foot hurt or if he does mess his wrist up he could still beat you in a game one on one.
  4. Well football is over and basketball season is soon to start but wat the kids here at burkeville are waiting for is baseball, yes, baseball. We here at Burkeville have some talent this year lets just hope we can put it to good use. Got some freshman coming up that I hope can fill the roll that we need. According to the coach we might have to make some changes in the defence judging from the talent. We might have to use our 2nd baseman in the outfield but im sure he wont mind. He is a team player and he will play wherever the team needs him or the coach puts him. Good luck to everyone out there this year and best of luck to yall in the upcoming season.
  5. Burkeville did great. They might have lost but they went to Huntsville and made this small 1-A school proud, and made a bunch of ppl proud to be a Mustang. Like sports fanatic said its just words and sticks and stones may break our bones but words will never hurt. Congrats on the season that Burkeville had, it was the best one in a while. Now lets get ready for some basketball and in Feburary, BASEBALL!!
  6. #6 is a very good player, but Burkeville has a lot more players that are good. I mean hats off to #6 cause he is an outstanding player but they have #22 and #1 running the ball. Burkeville has alot of talent and I think they have a good chance of going at least two or three rounds deep in playoffs. Good luck tonight boys wish i was still out there playing with yall.
  7. Burkeville has came a long way since last year. They have some outstanding talent and thanks to the new coaching at bkv they know how to use it. They have played hard all year and they deserve this. My pick is Burkeville by 10.
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