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Ulrich von Lichtenstein

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Posts posted by Ulrich von Lichtenstein

  1. I'll most likely get flamed for this post, but oh well...  I'm not disputing the success that 21-3A has had, nor am I saying that the district is not a powerhouse at the top.  It's just that some of us from outside the Golden Triangle get tired of some of the posters on this board who are more interested in running down everyone else for not being in 21 and who seem not to get the fact that there are other folks out there in the world who also play good basketball.

    That just makes it all that much sweeter when someone from 22-3A does beat someone from 21-3A.  Am I going to go on a big rant about how great 22-3A is just because Coldspring beat WO-S and Cleveland beat Silsbee earlier this year?  No, of course not.  The body of evidence over the past several seasons shows that 21 has pretty much dominated 22.  But I am going to enjoy that at least for now, there's no thread on here about 21-3A sweeping 22-3A out of the playoffs.  Could that still happen next week, with the possibility of Cleveland-HJ and Coldspring-Silsbee matchups?  Sure it could.

    Either way, congrats Coldspring on the big win last night.  Liberty, you guys gave it your all last night, too.  (There were some concerned looks on the faces of the Hawk Hecklers at halftime.)

    Now let's see how much of a hornet's nest I've stirred up...  ;)

  2. Where's this one being played? 

    If it's in Dayton, I'd expect it to be close, but if it's in Mont Belvieu, I'd take BH by 8.  There's just something tough about beating those guys at home.

    Of course, for those of you who like comparing results, in the BH tourney, the Eagles beat Cleveland by 8, who beat Silsbee by 11, who beat Dayton by 50+, so that makes Barbers Hill about 70 points better than Dayton, right...?

  3. It's tough to tell right now. 

    Cleveland is looking like the top team of the district.

    Behind them, it's tough to tell.  Coldspring has been up and down this year, so they're hard to read. 

    The #2 & #3 spots could conceivably go to any combination of Coldspring, Liberty, Shepherd, or Splendora.  Huffman and Tarkington look like they might be on the low end of the totem pole this year...

  4. Thursday:

    10:30 - Leggett vs Coldspring

    1:30 - Hemphill vs Livingston JV

    4:30 - Shepherd vs Onalaska

    7:30 - Goodrich vs Hardin


    Championship Bracket

    4:30 - Leggett/Coldspring winner vs Hemphill/Livingston JV winner

    7:30 - Shepherd/Onalaska winner vs Goodrich/Hardin winner

    Consolation Bracket

    10:30 - Leggett/Coldspring loser vs Hemphill/Livingston JV loser

    1:30 - Shepherd/Onalaska loser vs Goodrich/Hardin loser


    10:30 - 7th Place

    1:30 - Consolation final

    4:30 - 3rd Place game

    7:30 - Tournament Championship

  5. How come I don't hear any smack talk from Tarkington?  I thought yall might have something to say about this weeks game.  I guess yall know whats going to happen on friday. I guess I will start in on Coldspring for next week.  Them Injuns gonna whip them boys too. Then finish off Splendora for an unblimished reagular season. Any thoughts on any of this?

    Wow.  You're calling out Tarkington.  How mighty you must be.  How about a little smack talk about the powerful Shepherd Pirates that you just ran the score up on?  Surely that's impressive to you, too...

    Oh, and it's "unblemished regular", so you can get better scores in English class...

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