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Posts posted by dmeast11111

  1. [quote name="Fox" post="1461961" timestamp="1392610893"]

    i guess the truth hurts…..

    such a potty mouth for a soccer fan

    and still no soccer forum :)[/quote

    Fox. You are probably one of the those people who think football is the only sport and America is the middle of the earth which is flat....
    If this website wants to survive it needs fans of every sport not just football...
  2. I don't understand why y'all can't post scores , stats, records and such on this forum?? Why do y'all need a forum just for soccer?? I mean seriously.

    Why does any sport needs its own forum? Why would you show preference to one over the other? Football obviously is the big dog. Other than that basketball,softball,volleyball,soccer,track,baseball, are all secondary sports in tx. To me it propagates the mentality in our culture that you are better than others if you play certain sports or activities over another. Typical Friday night lights hs sport fan mentality. Sad...
  3. [quote name="Teamlast" post="1426807" timestamp="1377320511"]
    What's amazing to me is that PNG fans are so blind to how bad of fans they are. All I ever hear about is pride and tradition but as soon as things go bad like last year it looks like the trail of tears at half time. As far as tradition goes I really don't get it. Y'all change coaches, uniforms and especially helmet stickers as much as a girl on the rag. PNG has pride when things are good and tradition doesn't exist so with that said they aren't gonna make the playoffs and their AD will have a new name next year
    [/quote] take it from a former bulldog grad, until you are part of it you don't understand.  It is bigger than a football team, it is taking pride and ownership of your community.  Don't know where you are from but why the hell does pride honor tradition bother you so bad. Get over it and get a little pride in whatever community you are part of.
  4. I cannot take anything away from PNG Offense. They did a great job. Defense did well but I have a feeling if this were a real game TC  offensively would have had more success.  All they needed to do is give 12 the ball and it would be over. That guy is a beast. Other than that not at all impressed with TC QB play or defense.  All that being said good for the Indians  going into non district to have a little swagger.  Seems like last year they never gained confidence on either side of the ball. 
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