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Everything posted by Spherictrey

  1. A lot oF flags tonight on Jasper and I can honestly say I'm not seeing any of them
  2. Ok I'll post some updates but if this gets out of hand I am outta here. Lol
  3. I don't see Kirbyville making it 3 rounds but I at least see them winning the first one. Kirbyville's offense is good but now its the defense that is questionable. I do wish Kirbyville the best of luck in the playoffs.
  4. I love what he has done personally. The development of the offense and going to a more pass happy offense automatically makes me fell good about the future. When he had problems with the attitude of upper class men the fact that he fixed in by putting in lower class men shows me that he will not let kids dictate what he wants to do and that is an awesome thing to have.
  5. Congratulations to Jasper for winning the district title. Big improvement over last year
  6. So Jasper went undefeated in a weak district play and will face Tyler chapel hill. How do you feel coach Morgan's first season was? I feel there was a big improvement and I really like the change that he has brought to Jasper even if the district Jasper is in is extremely weak one. That's just one persons opinion though
  7. Beating down kids when it is clearly the coaches fault is a big no no in my mind. Colmesneils coaching staff is one of the worst I have ever seen and running up the score is hurting the kids when it is clearly the coaches fault. If there is some sort of competition between the teams then play but when the kids are beat they are beat so leave it at that. I feel terrible for the Colmesneils kids but the coaching staff and whoever hired them should be FIRED. This has gone on way to long
  8. That was super embarrassing. Colmesneil just needs help.My dad played there and now both of my brothers and after talking with them the direction that program is going is no where good. Granted its a small school there has to be a better qualified coach. I would love to go into detail of what I have been told by my brothers about this coaching staff and how things go down but I don't want to risk anything so I will just leave it at I DON'T LIKE THE HEAD COACH AT ALL
  9. This isn't this first time this has happened to this school. A couple a years ago they played Chester and forfeited due to injury. My brother plays on this team now. He hates the coach and rightfully so. This guy isn't qualified to coach. He has no pride in the school he coaches for and coming from my brother he is all about letting players control the team. Last year their star rb walked off the girl because he wasn't happy and the coach did nothing. He honestly just needs to leave so they can get a qualified coach who teaches the game and good morals
  10. Well being real here Jasper needs a win so they can say they had a good season because when it comes time to play Chapel Hill I don't expect a win from the bulldogs. I support the bulldogs but Chapel Hill is in a whole other class.
  11. I predict Jasper by 2 touchdowns. With Jasper already in the playoffs and knowing who they are going to play I have heard people say that they think Jasper will sit starters and that is just dumb. Jasper needs this district title but coach Morgan really needs it to say he had a pretty good first year. I like this new jasper look but there is still a lot of work to do.
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