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Posts posted by wildcat_in_pink

  1. I just want to say how proud I an of our boys. they played until the very end of the game. they never gave up and that was an awesome GAME! if we could have shaken off those nerves quicker at the beginning it could have been a whole bigger ball game. great job Cats! I can not wait until next year!!! I would also Luke to say that I love living in south east Texas because everyone cheers for everyone. We were in Conro and sitting beside me was a Buna Cougar to most people that would mean nothing but to know that even your rival teams hope the best for you means a lot to those boys on the field. I also cheer for many teams in our area and I an keeping up with Jasper as we speak its a great feeling to know we are all their for each other!!!!
  2. its no secret that Lil will is my families favorite pick but we also know that one young man on the field can not win a ballgame by himself...we love every one of our wildcats. Sexton is an awsome player and has gotten stronger every game...Diboll will have to work mighty hard to beat the cats and im sure we will give them one heck of a game, so im saying kats by at least 2 tds.... i need to start training my 9 yr old to be a kicker, anyone want to help start him now!!!  LETS GO CATS!!!

    and T daddy if we are a bunch of thugs, then what does that make you? a saint? the game is over so drop it and move on to your next game...go harrass the thread about jasper, and good luck in play offs. not all of us hate you, but i am tired of hearing how we are all thugs.
  3. [quote name="T-daddy" post="1090603" timestamp="1319261916"]
    Get the broom clean sweep from 7th - varsity

    Jasper = 158
    kville. = 45

    Just sayin don't think their is one age group kville can get excited about or look forward to...it will continue to be a down hill slide

    First off let it be known that i am both a Bulldog and Wildcat Fan, I went to school at both schools and love both teams, I am what you call a WildDog, however i do not appreciate the statement about the younger kids. I have a son that plays on the Jr PeeWee cat team and yes they only won one game they tried. your comment was a slap in the face to me. I know that both teams had bad calls and there was alot of bad sportsmanship going on from both teams, but everyone is blowing this way out of porportion. I do not wish Jasper any ill will nor my cats, but GROW UP!!!  If we are going to be beat i want to be beat by the best, so good luck Bulldogs, you deserve the district title...As for us cats we still have a great shot at district, so lets get out there and win 2nd in district. If you want to get back at the Dogs, prove your better by playing your best and going further in playoffs. And may the best team win. Great Win Jasper and Great Job Cats you proved your still #1 to me!!! It was a a great game! See you next week in Kville.....And last Go #33 you played one heck of a game, luv us some Lil' Will
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