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Posts posted by the-riot07

  1. I personally think the rankings are fair! They rank them by what they seen last year. And WOS didnt finish strong or play up to our ability at all. I mean yeah we had injuries and lost our 2 best players but we still could have played alot better. And we are a better team than kirbyville but we gave them hope last year and until we show them on the field that we are the better team they should rank them higher. I mean they did achieve more last year. But we will settle everything on the field as always and the better team will win like always.
  2. Nederland is supposed to be pretty good this year and i am expecting them to be. But in my opinion we have way too many weapons with way too much speed for them. Our defense is bigger and faster and more mature in the defensive backfield and linebacker spots. And im sure nederland still remembers our justin thomas picking them off 3 times in the first half last season, oh and he is back and even better haha. We have a very talented team this year and i expect big things from this team and so do all of the coaches which is why they made this extremely tough pre season schedule. I believe if we survive the preseason with no key injuries we will be the team to beat. But as we all know anything can happen so we will have to wait and see.
  3. I was nice and congradulated yall on a win when i should have been honest and said man that was pure luck! We just didnt show up in the 1st quarter! Erase the turnovers and we blow yall out! But yeah yall beat us once out of 3 tries so go choke on that lucky wind and i pray to the lord that we play yall next year cause we will wipe yalls faces in the mudd for sure! And how can you say we never get passed the third round when yall never get passed the first? lmao
  4. Congrats to the trojans! Ya'll came to play from the get go and we just didnt! I mean 5 turnovers in a playoff game is just ridiculous! But even with that many turnovers and an early 18 point defecit we had a chance to win in the fourth quarter! They showed good speed early but we shut that run game down and then they show that they can throw the ball! Both teams made it a great exciting game! We will be back next year and hopefully yall will too! Good luck the rest of the way trojans!
  5. HAHAHA the thing about the backup qb being as good as him was a joke!! But i see how nervous all the coldsprings fans are now!!! And i really dont care how fast yall say that man is because there is no way he is gonna out run james haynes to the end zone and ill take that to the bank!!! But really weve done enough talking lets let the boys take it from here!!! Go get em stangs!!!
  6. I went and watched how nelson practiced today and i asked him if he was ready to play...he said bro this is my first playoff game to play in and its against a running qb! Bro im gonna be all over his a** all night! lol He looked like he hadnt missed a game this year and the defense is definately fired up to have him back! Cant wait to see him hit somebody friday!
  7. Man whats gotten into the mustang fans? WOW we lose 2 games early in the season and all of a sudden were not even good enough to beat a team from a terrible district that we wal all over year after year! Yeah they might be a little bit better this year but i heard the same bs last year about their awesome running game and what happened? we hit them in the mouth and they rolled over and played dead! I was on the semi finals mustang team and im telling ya'll that this kinda team we have this year is the most dangerous! We dont have that go to guy for someone to stop! We have that go to team! Ya'll can say what ya'll want to but i know what we have this year and we are clicking on all cylinders and are ready for a LONG run!!!! Watch and see!!!
  8. Well we will have our star defensive end back for this game and im absolutely positive that he can keep their so called superstar qb contained! They dont know what speed is until they see us on that turf! And the way weve been running the ball the last few weeks they wont know what to do with all our speed! I stick to my prediction 35 to 14 stangs roll!!!!
  9. WOW! we have ALOT of people that know absolutely nothing about football! Yes we at wos lost 2 games early this year against two good teams...but we were not playing half as good as we are now! And for the guy that said we cant stop their quarterback hahaha we have more speed and athletes than he will ever face! And they have played no one that is near as good as wos! And the way our offense has been clicking and the defense we have i will take our boys by alot!!!! We now have 5 weapons that can break one for 50 or 60 yards! I want to see them catch reggie garrett running down the sidelines or tackle darius robinson and darius mitchell!!!! Our stars are shining bright right now!!!! Ya'll can hate on us all ya'll want for losing two games early but this team is hitting its peak at the right time and we will be a force in the playoffs mark my word!!! Stangs 35 cs 14!!!!!
  10. WOS is a very football team! The game was not near as close as the score and the score wasnt good! HJ played their tails off! But toby has to stay aggresive in the second half! He gets at 13 point lead and then gets conservative!!! It is ridiculous! The last time i checked the job of the offensive coordinator is to put points on the board! Im glad we won but not near satisfied with 29 points! Should of had atleast 40!!!!
  11. Whoever said hj will score 21 is just not very smart lol WOS will score atleast 28 and wont give up more than 7! The rain is supposed to be stopped by game time so it will be wet but not raining...so throwing the ball shouldnt be too big of a problem! But we have shown that we can score in a few different ways this year! We dont need the big play! We can just pound the ball all the way down and punch it in! I say WOS takes it 35 to 0!
  12. Ron burgundy you was be about as smart as ron burgundy to think WOS isnt very good this year! Our defense is legit and our offense is starting to click and get better every week! The way i see it if we get everyone healthy we will be at our peak come playoff time! I dare someone to underestimate us in the playoffs! ;)
  13. WOS played well tonight actually both teams did!!! The stangs ran a few different offenses tonight also...On our first drive we looked flat out unstoppable! And then we ran the power eye all the way down field in the second half for a score! Stephen cook is a monster at running back just plows through guys! I am seeing improvement every week with our offense! Defense still looked great! My hat is off to the bc running back #12... he ran hard all night! Good game both teams!!! Keep working stangs were almost where we wanna be!!!!
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